Empowering Women Balancing Real Estate and Family

Empowering women is essential for fostering diversity and inclusion in real estate careers. Read below to learn how to balance career and family life.

Hello everyone! I am Samantha, a 27-year-old woman juggling my dynamic real estate career and family life. I took a temporary break from my professional life when my twins were born. However, now that they are going to nursery, I have resumed my professional life. I was in the business management field, but real estate attracted me more now due to its flexibility. 

My husband is an engineer and works onsite, so he is hardly home. Therefore, I must manage my professional life without compromising my family life. I thought real estate would be a piece of cake. However, I learned there are many challenges that I need to overcome. I have conquered some and am striving to overpower others. 

This blog is my story. If you are a woman seeking to pursue a real estate field, my experiences will bring insights for you. I will share balancing strategies for empowering women that proved successful for me. 

Key Takeaways

  • Balancing personal lives and real estate careers is vital for women managing multifaceted roles.
  • Flexibility aids in empowering women in real estate.
  • Identifying top priorities and allocating time effectively between professional and personal lives can help attain a balance.

Imperative Need for Balancing in Women's Lives

Playing the role of a mom and a dad, I realized that balancing is not just a choice. Instead, many women like me must manage multifaceted roles. Otherwise, my real estate career or my family would suffer. Additionally, this balancing emphasizes the crucial role of empowering women to navigate diverse responsibilities successfully.

  • Caregiving

Women are inherently thought of as caregivers. I faced and worked through the challenge of balancing familial responsibilities while resuming professional aspirations. My twins always turned to me whenever they needed something, even when their dad was on the nearby sofa. 

  • Societal Pressures

Societal pressures further amplify the need for balance, with expectations and norms often conflicting with your personal and professional goals. I still remember the third day of my new job, when I was late bringing my children back from the nursery. They were in a terrible mood, and one of the neighbors screamed: "This is what happens to the children when mom is not available." At that point, I wondered if anybody ever dared say this to their dad. 

  • Time Constraints and Energy Limitations

I am a human who has limited capacity. But I am always considered a superwoman whose clock has more than 24 hours. Due to time and energy constraints, I must strategically balance my personal and work life. 

  • Client Expectations

I realized that real estate clients are not always easy. Instead, dealing with them and being available all the time drained my energy beyond my limits. Thus, challenging clients implied an effective time distribution. In addition, learning new technology usage, constantly being in the loop for recent trends, and efficiently corresponding with clients further pressured me to attain a balance in the complex situation. 

Balancing Real Estate Careers and Family Life 

Once I realized that I had extra pressure and responsibility of taking professional and personal life together, I discussed it with one of my senior and successful colleagues, Martha. She said: "Samantha, empowering women is harder in society than empowering men who are already empowered and have established roles. You must sacrifice many of your needs to balance your family and profession. Think of your profession as your personal need; your pressure will disappear soon. As for family, your love will keep you pushing anyway."

She is one of the reasons I did not quit and tried to adopt strategies that helped me succeed in my real estate career.

  • Set Clear Priorities

I learned the importance of setting clear priorities. For instance, I will not rush for a house showing if it is my family time. In addition, I have developed a practice of identifying my top priorities. This clarity guides my decision-making and allocation of time and energy in professional and personal spheres. 

  • Manage Time

I realized I have no more than 24 hours in a day. So, I need to manage both parts of my life due to this time constraint. Creating a realistic schedule accommodating work commitments, family responsibilities, and personal downtime has allowed me to make the most of each day without feeling overwhelmed. I used tools like calendars and productivity apps to stay organized and fulfill my responsibilities. My life became more manageable once I learned to divide my time properly! Chores were done, kids were happy, and clients were satisfied!

  • Establish Boundaries

I have always firmly believed in empowering women, but not at the cost of their family life. So, I was strict about my boundaries. When with my family, I was fully present and avoided the temptation to check emails or take work calls. Similarly, when I was working, I stayed focused to maximize productivity.

  • Maintain Quality Over Quantity

After starting my real estate career, I realized that prioritizing quality ensures that every aspect of my life receives the attention it deserves. Having unhappy kids because their mom left the movie halfway to deal with a client who might not even engage in a transaction was not what I wanted in life. Instead, a limited number of satisfied clients, along with my smiling kids, is my life's desire. 

  • Learn to Say No

Martha once advised me: "Gaining the ability to say 'no' empowers women. Commit only to what you can easily manage." Following her advice, I started declining commitments that might compromise my well-being or family time, as overextending might lead to burnout. Remember, saying no is a skill that every woman balancing multiple roles must master.

  • Arrange Flexible Work Hours

The flexibility offered by the real estate field has been a blessing. I can choose my work hours or work remotely, allowing me to be there for my family when needed. Due to this flexibility, I can balance my real estate career growth with family commitments.

  • Plan and Organize

Planning and organization are fundamental. From week’s meal prepping to client meetings organizing, having a well-thought-out plan minimizes chaos. In addition, it helps me stay on top of my commitments, ultimately empowering women like me in their professional and personal lives.

  • Embrace Technology

My career in management taught me how to leverage technology. However, the professional break created a gap in my skills. Rejoining the market after a long time and realizing the technological innovations, I understood the significance of learning digital tools and online platforms for communication, document management, and property research. As a result, I could streamline my work processes, reduce administrative work time, and enhance client connectivity for a successful real estate career. 

  • Delegate and Outsource

Martha once told me: “Empowering women through delegation reduces the workload. So, Samantha, go for it.” Thus, I embraced the art of delegation and outsourcing. Whether it is about hiring a virtual assistant for administrative tasks or getting help with household chores, delegating responsibilities has lightened my load. In addition, it allowed me to focus on high-priority tasks and increased my productivity.

  • Seek Role Models and Mentors

Reaching out to a senior was something I did at the start of my real estate career. Martha was my mentor who guided me in both spheres of my life. In addition, learning from her experiences provided me with insights and strategies for navigating challenges in balancing my life, professionally and personally.

  • Build Support Systems and Networks

A reliable nursery and a well-earning husband were my support network. I could not have balanced my professional life if I had to worry about financials as much as my husband or if I had not found a trustworthy nursery. In addition, developing my team and working with local associations worked as supportive pillars. Furthermore, everyone's emotional and moral support was the most crucial aspect of my real estate career.

  • Time for Self-Care

Taking time for myself maintains my physical and mental well-being. Whether indulging in a hobby or practicing mindfulness, it rejuvenates me. As a result, it allows me to approach my real estate career and family life with a positive mindset.


In balancing real estate careers and family life, I have discovered that empowerment comes from embracing challenges, leveraging support systems, and crafting a unique strategy that aligns with personal values. It is not about achieving a perfect everyday balance but finding harmony that works for you. Therefore, empowering women to balance their lives involves adopting a strategic approach. Remember to constantly try to achieve balance and adjust your strategies as circumstances change. Ultimately, you can lead a fulfilling and successful life on your terms by finding synchronization between your real estate career and family life.



1. How does the real estate industry empower women in their real estate careers?

The real estate industry is increasingly recognizing the importance of gender diversity. Many agencies and associations now offer mentorship programs, training initiatives, and networking opportunities tailored to empower women in their real estate careers.

2. Are there specific challenges women face in their real estate careers that differ from other industries?

In real estate careers, women encounter industry-specific challenges such as navigating a historically male-dominated environment, potential gender-based client biases, and overcoming stereotypes about their capabilities. These challenges require targeted strategies for women's real estate careers.

3. How does the government empower women to balance their personal lives and real estate careers?

Governments support women with policies promoting gender equality, flexible work hours, and access to childcare services. These initiatives empower women to manage their personal lives and real estate careers effectively. As a result, the industry has a more inclusive and supportive environment.

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