9 Things to do Before Moving: 8 Weeks Out

Things to do before moving include preparing your move 8 weeks earlier: Decluttering & organizing are essential for a smooth move.


 Effective preparation and organization are vital for a smooth moving day, and initiating the process eight weeks before a moving day guarantees a stress-free experience. 

This article offers a detailed checklist of things to do before moving, covering essential tasks such as decluttering, hiring a reliable moving company, gathering packing supplies, and planning for pets. The eight-week countdown provides an optimal timeframe for careful planning. Key steps include creating a moving timeline, decluttering and organizing possessions, researching and hiring a reputable moving company, gathering packing supplies, starting to pack non-essentials, notifying important parties, planning for pets and plants, and confirming moving day logistics. 

Let’s begin the eight-week journey for a well-organized and stress-free move.

Key Takeaways

  • Things to do before moving include a detailed timeline at least eight weeks before the moving day. Organize tasks, ensuring a smooth and stress-free process.
  • Things to do before moving also include decluttering. Also, the key steps are packing non-essential items and labeling boxes for easy identification.
  • Research a moving company, confirming logistics in advance before moving day. Notify utility companies, update addresses, and plan for pets and plants.

1. Create a Moving Timeline

Start your plans eight weeks before moving day, allocating specific tasks each week. This planning ensures a smooth transition from decluttering to hiring a moving company. Stay organized and stress-free with our guidelines on "things to do before moving."

Establishing a Detailed Schedule

When it comes to things to do before a moving day, having a timeline is crucial. Start by creating a detailed schedule for the next eight weeks. Break down the tasks you should accomplish each week, ensuring you stay on track and avoid any last-minute stress. 

Allocating Specific Tasks

Assign specific tasks for each week on your moving day timeline. This could include decluttering, researching moving companies, and obtaining packing supplies. By allocating tasks, you'll have a clear schedule for things to do before moving. For instance, designate the first week for decluttering. In the second week, focus on researching moving companies. Explore their reputations, read reviews, and obtain quotes to make an informed decision. As you enter the third week, allocate time to gather packing supplies, ensuring you have an adequate and organized inventory.

2. Declutter and Organize

One of the essential things to do before moving is decluttering and organizing. Assess belongings, keep what matters, and discard the rest. Organize your possessions for a stress-free move. This will lighten your load and make the moving process more efficient.

Streamlining Possessions

Things to do before moving also include organizing items. It involves retaining what is essential or valuable to you. For example, if you have accumulated clothes you no longer wear, organizing would mean sorting through them, keeping what you love or need, and donating or discarding the rest. The key is prioritizing what adds value to your life and letting go of unnecessary items.

Making the Packing Process Easier

The things to do before moving list encourage you to organize your belongings into categories and pack non-essential items first. Label boxes to make unpacking easy at your new home. For instance, pack seasonal decorations or items rarely used. Clear labeling is crucial; mark boxes with contents and the room they belong to. 

3. Research and Hire a Moving Company

Selecting a moving company sets the foundation for a well-organized relocation, addressing a key aspect of the checklist of things to do before moving.

Exploring Reputable Moving Companies

Researching and hiring a reliable moving company is a critical step in things to do before the moving process. Research reputable options, read reviews, and obtain quotes. Confirm their availability for your moving day. For instance, check online platforms like Yelp or Google for reviews. Gather the experiences of previous customers to assess the company's reliability. You may also inquire about their long-distance rates if you're moving across the country. This step ensures that your moving plans align with their schedule, preventing any last-minute complications.

Securing Professional Assistance

Ensure you book the moving company well in advance to secure their services on your desired moving day. By booking in advance, you secure the services of a reputable company, giving you peace of mind.

For instance, imagine you're planning to move on a busy weekend when many people relocate. If you wait until the last minute to book a moving company, you might find limited availability, leading to potential delays or having to settle for a less preferred date.

4. Gather Packing Supplies

Packing supplies lay the foundation for a successful move. Make this task a priority on your checklist of things to do before moving.

Compiling Necessary Packing Materials

Another task in the things to do before moving checklist is to gather all the packing supplies, including boxes, tape, and bubble wrap. Having all your packing supplies on hand means you're ready to start the packing process as soon as you begin the eight-week countdown. For instance, having various-sized boxes caters to different items, ensuring they fit securely and minimizing potential damage during transportation. Use sturdy tape to seal boxes securely, preventing any items from shifting. Bubble wrap provides excellent cushioning, safeguarding fragile items like glassware or electronics.

5. Start Packing Non-Essentials

A checklist of Things to do before moving also includes packing non-essentials. By prioritizing the packing of items not immediately needed, you get a stress-free relocation experience.

Packing Items Not Immediately Needed

Begin packing non-essential items you won't need in the coming weeks. This approach focuses on essentials as moving day approaches. For instance, you can pack off-season clothing, seldom-used kitchen gadgets, or decorative items well in advance.

Labeling for Easy Identification

Label your boxes, indicating their contents and the room they belong to. This practice ensures that unpacking is organized and efficient in your new home. For example, when you need essential kitchen items, you can locate the labeled box in the kitchen area, avoiding unnecessary searching. This saves time and brings order to the chaos of unpacking.

6. Notify Important Parties

Remember that notifying key entities is one of the essential things to do before moving.

Informing Utility Companies

Notify utility companies about your upcoming relocation. This ensures a smooth transfer of electricity, water, and gas services at your current and new residences. For example, contact your local electric company to schedule a disconnection at your current address and reconnection at the new one. This ensures you have electricity from the moment you move in. The same applies to water and gas services.

Updating Addresses with Relevant Institutions

Notify your bank, subscriptions, and any other relevant parties to avoid any disruptions in communication. For instance, inform your bank promptly about the upcoming move. Provide them with the new address to ensure that important documents and communications reach you without delays or complications. Similarly, contact subscription services for magazines, utilities, or online platforms, updating your address to receive uninterrupted services.

7. Plan for Pets and Plants

Taking early steps to address the needs of your pets and plants will ensure their well-being during the move.

Making Arrangements for Pets

If you have pets, start making arrangements for their safe transport. Research pet-friendly moving services and ensure their comfort during the move. For example, check with moving companies that have experience handling the transportation of animals. Consider contacting your veterinarian for advice on making the move stress-free for your pets.

Preparing Plants for the Move

Ensure your plants are packed and prepared to endure the move to their new environment. For instance, you can place smaller plants in sturdy boxes with adequate padding to prevent them from shifting or getting damaged during transportation. Larger plants may require special containers or wrapping to safeguard delicate foliage. Properly preparing your plants before moving also involves providing sufficient water before the move and placing them in a well-ventilated space in the vehicle.

8. Confirm Moving Day Logistics

Your checklist of things to do before moving is incomplete without moving day logistics.

Reconfirming Details with the Moving Company

As moving day approaches, reconfirm all details with your chosen moving company. Double-check the date, time, and specific instructions to avoid last-minute issues. Suppose you've scheduled your move for a specific date and time and informed the moving company about any requirements, like handling delicate items or navigating a narrow driveway. Reconfirming these details ensures everyone is on the same page, reducing the chances of misunderstandings or delays.

9. Unveiling the Ninth Essential Task

When preparing for a move, the ninth week marks a crucial point in your timeline. 

Update Your Moving Checklist with the Ninth Task

As you approach the final weeks before the big day, the ninth task involves updating your checklist of things to do before moving. This could include reevaluating your timeline, reconfirming details with the moving company, and ensuring all loose ends are tied. 


Adhering to the comprehensive checklist of "things to do before moving" paves the way for a stress-free and well-organized relocation. Each step contributes to a smooth transition from creating a detailed moving timeline to notifying important parties and confirming logistics, organizing stuff, hiring a moving company, scheduling the move, and gathering packing supplies. Early preparation remains the cornerstone for success, allowing you to enter your new home with confidence and ease.



1. Is informing my neighbors about the move eight weeks in advance necessary?

While it's not mandatory, informing neighbors about your upcoming move can foster a positive relationship. They might offer assistance or be understanding about potential disruptions caused by the moving process.

2. How can I safeguard important documents during the move?

Prioritize securing important documents like passports, IDs, and financial papers. Consider creating a dedicated folder or box for these items and personally transporting them to ensure their safety during the move.

3. Should I conduct a pre-move home inspection for any repairs or upgrades?

Yes, performing a pre-move home inspection can be beneficial. It allows you to address any necessary repairs or upgrades before the chaos of moving begins, ensuring a smooth transition without the added stress of household issues.

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