Maintaining Your Home if You Travel a Lot

Discover essential tips for maintaining your home during travels, from smart home technology to emergency contacts. Secure your home and ensure peace of mind.

Vacationing frequently introduces challenges for maintaining your home. This article will explore practical and efficient tips for homeowners who are often on the move. From incorporating advanced security measures to creating maintenance checklists and enlisting the help of trusted allies, these strategies aim to ensure that your home remains secure. 

Let’s explore key tips for homeowners to safeguard their property and contribute to the peace of mind that every traveler seeks.

Key Takeaways

  • Invest in advanced security, like a robust home system, for safety during frequent travel.
  • Use smart home tech, including thermostats and locks, for enhanced security and energy efficiency.
  • Maintain a checklist for tasks like leak inspections and HVAC filter changes to address issues.
  • Give priority to pre-trip preparations, such as unplugging appliances and securing doors, to maintain your home for safety and energy efficiency.

1st Tip for Homeowners: Incorporate Home Security

When you're on the move, ensuring the security of your home becomes essential. Incorporate a home security system as a key tip for homeowners. Invest in a reliable system with features like remote monitoring, motion sensors, and doorbell cameras. This strategic investment allows monitoring and maintaining your home from any location.

Prioritizing home security establishes a proactive defense against potential threats, ensuring your home's safety even when you're away. You create a security strategy with remote monitoring for real-time surveillance, added protection from motion sensors, and visual confirmation through doorbell cameras.

Incorporating this advice into your strategy for maintaining your home establishes the foundation for a secure and well-managed residence. Utilizing advanced security features contributes to your home's overall safety and protection, providing reassurance for homeowners during their frequent travels.

2nd Tip for Homeowners: Harness Smart Home Technology

Incorporating smart home technology is essential for maintaining your home. Install devices like thermostats, lights, and locks to enhance security and energy efficiency.

These innovative devices offer remote control capabilities, allowing you to adjust settings from anywhere. For example, fine-tune thermostat settings for energy conservation and remotely manage lights to create the illusion of an occupied home, deterring potential security threats.

The addition of smart locks provides an extra layer of security, enabling remote monitoring and control of home access. This technological integration streamlines home management and contributes to overall well-being, ensuring a secure and energy-efficient environment.

3rd Tip for Homeowners: Create Home Maintenance Checklists

Create a thorough checklist that includes inspecting for leaks, changing HVAC filters, and scrutinizing the roof's condition. By incorporating this into your routine, you can address potential issues and ensure the longevity of your home.

Before traveling, conduct a pre-travel home maintenance check, focusing on areas prone to problems. Check for leaks in plumbing or roofing, catching issues to prevent extensive damage. Changing HVAC filters ensures efficient heating and cooling, contributing to energy efficiency and indoor air quality.

After returning from your travels, conduct a post-travel home maintenance check. Review the checklist, confirm completed tasks, and evaluate for any new issues. This systematic approach aids in maintaining your home's well-being, ensuring it stays in optimal condition despite frequent travel.

4th Tip for Homeowners: Pre-Trip Preparations

For homeowners dealing with frequent travel, concentrate on pre-trip preparations to maintain your home. Take a moment to complete essential tasks that contribute to your residence's safety and energy efficiency, ensuring you are maintaining your home.

Unplug non-essential appliances and electronics. This proactive measure reduces energy consumption and minimizes the risk of electrical issues while you're away. Disconnecting unused devices creates a more energy-efficient environment and alleviates potential safety concerns.

Ensure all doors and windows are locked away. This step is fundamental in safeguarding your home against unauthorized access and potential security threats. A thorough check of entry points before departure adds extra protection, providing peace of mind during your travels.

5th Tip for Homeowners: Manage Mail and Deliveries

Maintaining your home involves managing mail and deliveries to uphold the appearance of an occupied residence and minimize security risks during your travels. Consider putting your mail on hold or coordinating with a reliable neighbor to collect it while you're away. A pile of mail signaling a vacant property can attract potential security threats. By addressing this, you contribute to maintaining the aesthetic of an active residence and reduce the risk of unwanted attention.

Similarly, maintaining your home involves pausing regular deliveries to prevent packages from accumulating on your doorstep. A visible pile of packages can indicate no one is present, attracting unwanted attention. Halting deliveries while you are away mitigates the risk of signaling your absence and contributes to the overall security of your home.

6th Tip for Homeowners: Establish Emergency Contacts

Establishing emergency contacts is essential for maintaining your home. As a proactive measure, provide trusted friends or family members with emergency contact information to reach you in urgent situations. Provide your travel itinerary and preferred contact methods for a prompt response to any unforeseen circumstances during your absence.

Maintaining open communication and having a reliable point of contact creates a safety net for your home's well-being. Having someone who can reach out to you facilitates decision-making and resolution in emergencies or unexpected issues.

7th Tip for Homeowners: House Sitter or Trusted Neighbor

A tip for homeowners is to rely on a house sitter or trusted neighbor—a valuable strategy for effective home maintenance. Enlisting the help of someone trustworthy adds an extra layer of security and care to your home in your absence.

A reliable house sitter or neighbor can perform essential tasks such as collecting mail, watering plants, and conducting basic checks to ensure everything is in order. This active involvement maintains the appearance of an occupied home and addresses potential issues.

Selecting a trusted individual to monitor your home instills a sense of security, as you know a responsible person is overseeing your property. This collaborative effort in maintaining your home ensures that your residence remains secure and well-cared for, even during your absence.


Maintaining your home when you're moving requires a strategic approach combining advanced security measures, smart home technology, and proactive maintenance. Incorporating a robust home security system, harnessing smart home devices, creating thorough maintenance checklists, and implementing pre-trip preparations are essential for homeowners. Additionally, managing mail and deliveries, establishing emergency contacts, and relying on a house sitter or trusted neighbor contribute to the overall well-being of your residence during your travels.



1. Are there specific signs that my home may be at risk during travel, even if I've taken precautions?

While you've taken precautions, specific signs that your home may be at risk during travel include:

  • Unusual Activities: Unexpected changes in activities around your home may indicate a security risk.
  • Altered Entry Points: Any signs of tampering with doors, windows, or locks may indicate a security breach.
  • Unusual Sounds or Disturbances: Reports from neighbors about unusual disturbances could signal potential security threats.

2. What should I do if I find issues during the post-travel home maintenance check that require professional attention?

Immediately contact qualified professionals to assess and address any issues beyond your scope of expertise, ensuring thorough resolution.

3. Is it crucial to vary lighting and introduce a vehicle presence for the security of maintaining your home?

These measures enhance the appearance of an active residence and can be beneficial for any duration of absence, adding an extra layer of security.

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