I Have Dogs At Home, And They Chew Everything

Keeping dogs at home can be risky if they chew on everything. Let’s help you learn how to stop your dog from chewing everything!

The joy of having dogs at home can sometimes come with challenges when your beloved pup turns household items into chew toys. The comfort of your home with your dog might be disrupted as you grapple with finding effective strategies to curb this natural yet often troublesome dog behavior.

The inclination of dogs at home to chew is rooted in their instinctual behavior. From teething discomfort in puppies to boredom or anxiety relief in adult dogs, understanding the underlying reasons is key to implementing successful interventions.

Today, we will uncover some practical strategies to address the “dog chewing” issue to create a comfortable environment in your home with the dog.

Key Takeaways

  • Dogs at home have an innate instinct to chew, which can stem from teething discomfort in puppies or boredom and anxiety relief in adult dogs.
  • Provide safe chewing options like rubber toys, dental chews, or designated rawhides for dogs at home.

Why Do Dogs At Home Chew?

Dogs have an instinct to chew. Chewing is inherent, whether to soothe teething discomfort in puppies or keep their jaws strong and teeth clean. However, it becomes a concern when this behavior extends to furniture, shoes, or other personal items.

In some cases, in a home with a dog, unusual chewing can be a sign of boredom or anxiety in dogs at home. Dogs may chew to pass the time or as a coping mechanism. Understanding the root cause of your dog's chewing habits is crucial for effective intervention.

For a home with a dog, chewing is often related to the teething process. Like human newborns, pups may experience discomfort while shedding baby teeth and sprouting adult teeth. Providing suitable teething toys can be a game-changer during this phase.

Strategies To Curb Chewing Habits In Dogs At Home

If you’re living in a home with a dog showing an unusual chewing habit, you can use the following strategies to address this issue:

Provide Adequate Toys and Chews

Dogs at home need an appropriate outlet for their chewing instincts. Ensure you have a variety of dog-friendly toys and chews. Experiment to find what engages your dog the most, whether it's a rubber toy, a puzzle feeder, or a durable chew. The key is offering more enticing alternatives than your furniture or shoes.

Supervise and Redirect

Keep a close eye on your dogs if they are prone to chewing. When you catch them in the act, redirect their attention to a chewing toy. Consistent redirection helps them understand what is acceptable to chew and what is not.

Create A Dog-Friendly Space

Designate a specific area in your home with a dog where they can indulge in chewing activities. This could be a cozy corner with their bed and toys. By providing a designated space, you're channeling their instincts in a controlled manner. Make your home with your dog more appealing by spending quality time there with your dog, reinforcing positive associations.

Nurturing Good Behavior Of Dogs At Home - Training Tips

Addressing the chewing problem of dogs at home also involves using the following tips to train them to shape positive behavior.

Dog Appreciation

When your dogs chew on their toys instead of household items, shower them with praise and treats. In a home with a dog, positive reinforcement strengthens the association between appropriate chewing behavior and rewards. Be consistent and lavish praise when your dogs choose their toys over forbidden items.

Consistent Commands

During training, use consistent commands like “leave it” or “drop it.” This helps your dog understand when to stop chewing on something they shouldn't. In a home with a dog, be patient and consistently reinforce these commands. Consistency is key in establishing good behavior, and your dog will take only a little time to learn to respond to your cues.

Professional Training Classes

Think about getting your dog enrolled in a dog training class. Trainers can provide personalized guidance to address behavioral issues, including inappropriate chewing. They bring expertise that can be beneficial in curbing persistent chewing habits.

Regular Physical Activity

An exhausted dog is less prone to misbehavior. Ensure your dogs get regular exercise every day to prevent boredom and help burn off excess energy. Physical exercise has dual benefits for keeping pets active and entertained.

Consult With A Vet

If chewing habits persist despite your efforts, consult with a vet. There could be underlying health issues causing stress or discomfort, and a professional opinion can be invaluable.

Provide Toys Of Different Textures

Dogs often enjoy exploring various textures with their mouths. Introduce toys with different textures to keep them interested. Various textures, from rubbery textures to soft fabrics, can cater to your dog's diverse chewing preferences.

Final Remarks!

With a combination of understanding your dog's instincts and implementing consistent training strategies, you can stop them from chewing on everything. Creating a chew-proof home with a dog involves providing the right outlets, training, and a positive environment for your furry friend.

Investing time and effort into training and providing the right stimulation fosters a happy and content life for your dog in your home.

Similarly, strengthen the bond with your pup and create a stress-free environment for you and your beloved dogs at home!



1. When talking about keeping dogs at home, are there specific breeds more prone to excessive chewing?

Certain breeds, like Border Collies or Labradors with high energy levels or intelligence, may be more prone to excessive chewing.

2. Are specific household items safer for my dogs to chew on at home?

Yes, providing safe chewing options like rubber toys, dental chews, or designated rawhides can satisfy your dog's natural urge to chew without risking their health.

3. Can my dogs chew on bones at home to help with their chewing habits, or is it risky?

Providing bones can offer a natural outlet for chewing instincts, but it comes with risks. Choose raw bones cautiously, as cooked bones can splinter and pose a choking hazard.

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