House Moving Tips: 5 Things You Should Throw Out

One of the crucial house-moving tips is to decide which items to keep and which to throw or give away. Let’s help you make that decision!


Amidst the excitement of moving into a new home, strategic house moving tips can be your guiding light in handling the challenges of packing up and relocating. These challenges involve more than just packing and unpacking – assessing your living space, identifying the items that serve a purpose, and bidding farewell to the unnecessary.

Practical house moving tips can help sort out your belongings and ensure you only have the necessary stuff to take to your new home. Today, we will explore the top things you should consider throwing or giving away during your move, coupled with the invaluable practice of decluttering before a move.

We aim to ensure a lighter packing load and a smoother home-shifting process for you and your families.

Key Takeaways

  • Decluttering before a move requires assessing your living space and focusing on items that serve a purpose.
  • Furniture evaluation is essential, allowing you to assess each piece's worth and contribute to a fresh aesthetic in your new space.
  • Sentimental selection balances memories and practicality, creating a curated collection of meaningful keepsakes.

Essential Tips For House Shifting: Decluttering Before A Move

Before we offer you some valuable home moving tips for packing your boxes and sorting through your belongings, it's crucial to take a moment to assess your living space thoroughly. Decluttering before a move involves more than just skimming the surface – it demands a meticulous examination of every packing detail.

Check out the following house-moving tips:

1. Clothing Cleanup: Less Is More

Let's kick off our house moving tips by checking into your wardrobe, where there’s a high chance of unnecessary items. Remember that less is often more. Take this opportunity to donate or discard clothes that no longer serve you well, whether they no longer fit, are out of style, or have simply seen better days.

Moreover, clothing cleanup streamlines your wardrobe and lightens the physical and mental load of the relocation. By adhering to the ‘less is more’ principle in decluttering before a move to your new home, you can assess each garment's utility, fit, and style relevance.

Furthermore, a curated wardrobe simplifies the packing and unpacking process. It sets the tone for a fresh start in your new space, allowing you to step into your new home unburdened by unnecessary clothing items.

2. Kitchen Check: Essential House Moving Tips

It's time for a culinary clean-up! Start headfirst into your pantry and cabinets. Identify expired items, duplicate tools, and the collection of mismatched kitchenware. Streamlining your kitchen eases the moving process and sets the stage for an organized culinary collection in your new home.

Moreover, streamlining your kitchen lightens the physical load of moving. It ensures you enter your new home with only the essentials, creating a functional and clutter-free cooking environment from the outset.

3. Furniture Evaluation: House Moving Tips

Furniture, often comprising the bulk of a move, deserves special attention. Before committing to an aging sofa or hefty dresser, take a moment to evaluate its worth. Is it showing signs of wear? Does it genuinely compliment your new space?

If not, consider this a golden opportunity to contribute by selling or donating. Lightening the furniture load not only simplifies the logistical aspects of the move but can also offset some of the associated costs.

Moreover, discarding or parting ways with furniture that no longer aligns with your vision for the new space reduces the volume of items to be transported and provides an opportunity to create a fresh and intentional aesthetic in your new home.

4. Tech Upgrade: House Moving Tips For Electronics

In our fast-paced, tech-driven world, gadgets and electronic devices accumulate rapidly. Identify outdated appliances or those that newer models have replaced. Such devices can find new homes through responsible recycling or donation programs. Before you know it, you'll live in a clutter-free and upgraded tech setup in your new living space.

Moreover, adopting a tech-savvy approach to decluttering contributes to a more organized and simplified living environment, aligning your digital lifestyle with the fresh start your new home represents.

5. Sentimental Selection: Balancing Memories and Practicality

We all keep those items for sentimental reasons that remind us of our cherished memories. While it's crucial to honor and preserve those memories, it's vital to establish clear boundaries. This makes sure that you can take the cozy feeling of memories without carrying around extra stuff.

Moreover, by striking a thoughtful balance between your sentiments and practical use, you lighten the physical load of your move and create a curated collection of cherished keepsakes that enhance the ambiance of your new living space, fostering a clutter-free and emotionally enriching environment.

The Bottomline

These practical and strategic house-moving tips make decluttering before a move more effective. Streamline your belongings to make your shift to a new home smoother and hassle-free.

If you are ready to use our impactful house moving tips, let’s make your home moving easier now!


1. Are there any house moving tips for deciding which clothes to throw or give away during a move?

One year is a good rule of thumb: if you haven't been wearing something in that time, you should get rid of it. House moving tips suggest keeping only what’s useful in your new home.

2. Are there any house moving tips for donating expired pantry items during kitchen decluttering before a move?

Food banks cannot accept expired items. House moving tips suggest discarding them responsibly and focusing on donating non-perishable items with a good shelf life.

3. Are there any house moving tips for recycling outdated electronics during a move?

Electronics manufacturers often provide recycling initiatives. Consult them regarding drop-off locations for outdated electronics. Some charitable organizations may accept old electronics.

4. Are there professional services specializing in decluttering before a move?

Professional moving companies offer decluttering services as part of their packages. They are a great resource for practical advice concerning decluttering before a move.

5. What should I do with paperwork and documents during decluttering before a move?

Sort through paperwork, shred any unnecessary documents, and organize the rest in labeled folders. Consider digitizing important papers to secure them in your new home.

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