Can You Sell By Owner When You Have a Listing Agent

As a home seller, you may sell by owner with a listing agent. Let’s decide whether a sell-by-owner is the right option if you have an agent!

Many home sellers need help choosing a sell by owner opportunity while already having a listing agent working with them. Selling a home entails making critical decisions about the approach to the selling process, which carries significant weight.

When we say “sell by owner,” we imply that the home seller has personally received a home offer from a potential home buyer without the listing expert having any part in getting the offer. The decision to sell by owner has gained popularity, allowing homeowners to take an active role in the sale.

However, what to do with the professional representation of your listing agent? Can these two approaches (sell by owner and listing expert) coexist, or do they lead to complications? Today, we will talk about selling by owner when you already have a listing professional working with you.

Unpacking the implications, challenges, and strategies involved, we aim to provide clarity for sellers facing this intricate home selling situation. Whether you're contemplating this hybrid method or are simply curious about its feasibility, this discussion sheds light on the complexities of selling a home when both a homeowner and a listing specialist play pivotal roles.

Key Takeaways

  • The hybrid selling approach involves sellers personally engaging in the selling process alongside the official representation of a listing agent.
  • A scenario where sellers have signed a listing agreement but end up selling on their own may have legal and financial implications.
  • A dual selling strategy in the complex real estate landscape requires a comprehensive understanding of advantages, challenges, and practical strategies.

Exploring The Dual Way: Sell By Owner With A Listing Agent

When homeowners consider selling their property, they often face a crucial decision: to go the traditional route with a listing specialist or explore the sell by owner approach. However, there's a middle ground that some may not have considered—taking both strategies simultaneously.

Selling a home with a dual approach involves the homeowner actively marketing and showing the property, even while a listing expert officially represents the sale. The coordination between these two strategies can create a unique dynamic, offering both an agent's professional expertise and the homeowner's personal touch.

Why Sellers Opt For A Sell By Owner and Listing Expert Combo?

Here are a few reasons why property sellers go for a sell by owner approach together with the services of a listing specialist:

Broader Market Exposure
By combining efforts, sellers can tap into a larger pool of prospective buyers through traditional real estate channels and personal networks.

Hands-On Involvement
Sellers are active in the process, participating in open houses, showings, and negotiations, which can be personally rewarding.

Cost Savings
While paying a listing expert’s commission, sellers can save on some sell by owner-related expenses, such as not paying a buyer's agent commission.

Challenges Of A Sell By Owner and Listing Expert Combo

Here are some challenges property sellers may face by opting for a sell by owner approach together with the services of a listing specialist:

Communication Challenges
Coordinating between personal selling efforts and the professional approach of a listing agent can sometimes lead to confusion and miscommunication.

Legal and Documentation Risks
Handling legalities and paperwork requires precision. The dual approach may introduce complexities that increase the risk of errors.

Potential Conflict
Differing strategies can lead to conflicts between the seller's DIY approach and the professional guidance of the listing specialist.

A Sell By Owner and Listing Expert Combo: How It Goes?

So, you've signed an agreement with a property agent and put your home on the market, but you ended up selling it on your own. You have received a written offer from a potential buyer interested in acquiring your home. This may have resulted from your intensive marketing efforts on Facebook or simply the word of mouth of satisfied neighbors.

Is it true that if you find someone to purchase alone, you are not exempt from paying any real estate commission or fees? Learn here if you're in hot water.

Check Out Your Listing Contract

A listing agreement between the home seller and the listing agent is mandatory in most U.S. states. A listing agreement typically specifies the conditions under which a broker is entitled to a commission, in addition to delineating the rights and obligations of the seller and the broker.

The seller can sell the home without paying a broker a fee when the listing is open or exclusive through an agency. However, negotiations get more complex if the listing contract grants the seller an exclusive license to sell. This means the property agent is the only one authorized to sell the home.

In this case, it becomes mandatory to route all offers through the agent, and in the event of a sale, you must remit the commission specified in the contract to the agent. Agents rely on exclusive listing agreements so that they don't have to put in what may be months of unpaid effort.

Therefore, the contract specifies different ways the agent can earn a commission, including the consequences for the seller in the event of a breach of the exclusive agreement.

Potential Gaps

Notwithstanding their contractual agreement with an agent, sellers who successfully locate a buyer independently might be able to bargain with the agent for a reduced commission. When drafting an exclusive right-to-sell listing agreement, sellers should be honest about their ability to find a home buyer.

Additionally, suppose the sellers believe they are performing every responsibility. In that case, they may be able to amend the current agreement to include a termination clause if the broker fails to fulfill specific obligations, such as the timely sale of the property. Hosting open houses and creating and handing out printed materials are possible additional responsibilities associated with a listing.

Successful Sell By Owner and Listing Expert Approach: How?

The following tips will help ensure that your combination of listing specialists and a sell by owner strategy is successful:

Clear Communication
Establish transparent communication protocols between the seller and the listing agent to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

Legal Guidance
The legal aspect of this approach requires careful attention. From contractual agreements to disclosure requirements, sellers must avoid complications. Seek legal advice to navigate potential documentation challenges and ensure compliance with real estate regulations.

Defined Roles
Clearly define the roles of the seller and the listing agent to avoid overlap and streamline the home-selling process.

Conflict Resolution
Sellers must proactively address potential conflicts of interest or disagreements on strategy to ensure a smooth and successful home sale.

In Conclusion

Exploring a dual strategy in real estate—sell by owner with a listing agent— requires a comprehensive understanding of the advantages, challenges, and practical strategies.

Ready to explore a new approach to home selling? Your dream buyer could be just a bold “sell by owner” decision away!


1. Is it common to use a listing agent and sell by owner simultaneously?

It's less common but not unheard of. Some sellers opt for a hybrid approach to maximize control and support.

2. Can a listing agent assist with pricing strategies if I sell by owner?

A listing expert can provide valuable insights into pricing strategies, even in a dual-selling approach.

3. Will buyers be confused or hesitant to engage if they know I have a listing agent?

Transparency is critical. Communicate your dual approach to buyers to avoid confusion and build trust.

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