What You Need To Do Before Moving Day

Prepare for a stress-free moving day with our guide to the moving process. Expert tips for an efficient and organized relocation await!


Before moving day, streamline the process by decluttering, packing strategically, and labeling boxes according to rooms for easy unpacking. Coordinate with movers or friends daily, ensuring everyone knows their roles and responsibilities. Post-move, prioritize unpacking essentials, update your address with relevant entities, and conduct a final walkthrough to ensure everything is in order, creating a seamless transition into your new home.

Today, we will discuss what you must do before the movers arrive. And there is a good chance you may not know them.

Key Takeaways

  • Initiating the packing process with early planning, clutter clearing, and space organization establishes the foundation for a stress-free move.
  • Investing in quality packing materials, varied box sizes, and safeguarding fragile items contributes to a smooth moving day.
  • Involving friends and family or hiring professionals ensures a smoother transition, providing valuable assistance and peace of mind.
  • Beyond moving day, building connections with neighbors and expressing gratitude through reviews creates a positive transition to your new home.

Pre-Move Planning: Weeks to Months Before Moving Day

Long-Term Preparations

  1. Start Early: The Power of Early Planning

    Beginning the moving process necessitates early planning to ensure a smooth transition. Commencing the journey with clearing clutter and organizing spaces lays a solid foundation for a stress-free move.

  2. Clearing Clutter: Organizing Spaces for Efficiency

    Before moving day, decluttering becomes a priority. Streamlining your belongings and organizing spaces contribute to an efficient moving process and, ultimately, a smoother moving day.

  3. Keep or Pitch: Deciding the Fate of Your Belongings

    Deciding what to keep, donate, or discard is essential in streamlining the moving process. Early decision-making sets the stage for a more manageable packing phase and a smoother moving day.

Supplies and Materials

  1. Box Variety: Choosing the Right Containers

    Investing in various box sizes is essential for accommodating different items, ensuring you are well-prepared for packing diverse belongings and contributing to a smoother moving day.

  2. Wrap It Up: Ensuring Fragile Items Stay Intact

    Invest in packing paper and bubble wrap to safeguard fragile items during the moving process. Wrapping up breakables is a worthwhile investment, preventing damages and ensuring a safe arrival on a moving day.

  3. Essential Tools: The Must-Have Packing Materials

    Equip yourself with the necessary tools, including packing tape, scissors, and markers. Quality packing materials contribute to maintaining your sanity during the often hectic moving process.

  4. Moving Blankets: Shielding Furniture from Damage

    Moving blankets protect large furniture pieces and delicate items during the move. Once unwrapped, these blankets are protective layers, preventing damage to door frames and other surfaces.

Moving Organization: Weeks to Days Before Moving Day

Detailed Planning

  1. Make a List, Check It Twice: Harnessing the Power of Checklists

    Lists are your best friend in the moving process. Utilize them on your phone, computer, or with good old pen and paper to stay organized and on top of tasks, contributing to a smoother moving day.

  2. Order PODS or Storage Units If Needed

    Sometimes, a seamless transition isn't possible. Investigate the pricing of PODS or local storage units, looking for online coupons or competitor pricing matching for potential savings on the moving process.

  3. Turn On Utilities in the New Place

    Don't move into darkness. Ensure your utilities are operational in your new home before the moving day to prevent inconveniences.

  4. Draw a Floorplan: Strategizing Furniture Placement

    Ease the process for your movers by creating a floor plan for your new home. This serves as a guide for placing furniture and can be adjusted later as needed, enhancing the efficiency of your moving day.

Organization Tips

  1. Labeling Kitchen Cabinets: A Kitchen Unpacked is a Kitchen Well-Lived

    Avoid post-move kitchen chaos by labeling cabinets and drawers. Your helpers, or even yourself, will thank you when searching for that elusive spatula doesn't turn into a six-month expedition.

  2. Mark Your Bedrooms and Label Boxes: Streamlining the Unpacking Process

    Facilitate a seamless unpacking process on moving day by labeling every box with its intended destination. This way, you and your helpers will know where each box belongs, expediting the entire organization process.

  3. Carpet Protection Tape: Preserving Your New Flooring

    Invest in carpet protection tape to safeguard your brand-new carpets during the move. This straightforward action contributes to preserving the flawless condition of your flooring.

Involving Helpers

  1. Call in the Reinforcements: The Power of Teamwork

    Notify friends and family well before your moving day. Encourage them to lend a hand by offering lunch, beverages, and the assurance that their assistance is invaluable in the moving process.

  2. When All Else Fails, Hire Professionals

    Professional movers can be a worthwhile investment for those with valuable items or an overwhelming amount to move. Though it may be a bit pricey, their peace of mind and convenience can make the expense worthwhile.

Unveiling the Unseen: Pre-Mover Essentials

Essential Pre-Moving Day Checklist

  1. Organizing and Decluttering: Laying the Groundwork

    Streamlining your belongings and eliminating unnecessary items is vital. A clutter-free home ensures a smoother packing process and helps avoid excessive stress on moving days.

  2. Creating an Inventory: A Blueprint for a Seamless Move

    Documenting your belongings is essential for reference and accountability. This detailed inventory acts as your compass, ensuring everything gets noticed amidst the hustle of the moving process.

  3. Notifying Important Parties: A Change of Address Matters

    Informing key parties about your change of address is often overlooked. Ensure your address change notifications are sent to relevant parties such as postal services, subscriptions, and service providers.

Packing Strategies for Efficiency

  1. Gathering Packing Supplies: The Foundation of a Smooth Move

    Ensure you're fully prepared with all the essential packing supplies. Boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and other materials are the building blocks of a well-organized and efficient packing process during the moving day.

  2. Room-by-Room Packing Plan: A Systematic Approach

    Tackle packing one room at a time. This systematic approach ensures that items are packed logically, making the unpacking process more straightforward in your new home during moving.

  3. Packing Fragile and Valuable Items: Extra Care for Precious Belongings

    Delicate and valuable items require special attention. Taking extra precautions in packing these items ensures their safety during the move, contributing to a smooth moving day.

Coordination with Movers

  1. Communicating with the Moving Company: Confirming Details

    Ensure open and transparent communication with your selected moving company. Confirm all details, address any concerns, and ensure everyone is on the same page to avoid surprises on moving day.

  2. Clear Pathways and Accessibility: Paving the Way for Efficiency

    Get your home ready for the movers by guaranteeing unobstructed pathways and convenient access to your belongings. This step contributes to a smooth loading process.

Last-Minute Preparations

  1. Securing Important Documents and Valuables: The "Go Bag"

    Create a "go bag" containing essential documents and valuables to which you'll need immediate access. Having these essentials on hand can prevent last-minute panic.

  2. Final Walkthrough of the Home: A Thorough Inspection

    Before securing the door, take a final walkthrough of your home. Check for overlooked items, ensure all utilities are turned off, and leave with peace of mind during moving.

Guidelines for a Moving Day Without Stress

Day Before and Moving Day

  1. Adequate Rest and Self-Care: The Importance of Preparation

    Ensure a restful night's sleep before moving day. Prepare for a smoother, more enjoyable moving experience by ensuring your mind and body are well-rested.

  2. Communicating with the Moving Team: Accessibility and Cooperation

    Be available for any questions or concerns your moving team may have. Clear communication ensures a smooth process, and offering refreshments is a small gesture that goes a long way during the moving process.

Settling into Your New Home: Post-Move Adjustments

Post-Move Adjustments

  1. Get to Know Neighbors and Explore the New Neighborhood: Building Connections

    Familiarize yourself with your new neighbors and explore the surroundings of your new neighborhood. Building connections from the outset creates a sense of community and belonging during the moving process.

  2. Leave Reviews and Express Gratitude: Acknowledging Help

    Extend your thanks to those who assisted you during the move. Leaving reviews for the moving company, friends, and family is a small gesture that shows appreciation for their support.


Achieving a seamless move demands meticulous planning and execution. Ensure a stress-free relocation by tackling essential tasks before, during, and after moving day. We encourage you to share your moving tips and experiences, contributing to a collective wealth of knowledge that aids others in their moving endeavors. Your journey to a new home is not just a physical move; it's a transition to a new chapter, and with the proper preparations, it can be an exciting and rewarding experience during the moving process.


1. Why is moving insurance important, and how do I cover my possessions during transit?

Ensure adequate coverage by discussing your needs with the moving company and considering additional insurance if necessary.

2. What essential documents should I keep secure during the move?

Keep identification, medical records, and moving contracts secure for quick access and a smooth transition.

3. Is updating my address online necessary?

Yes, updating your address online is essential. Guide your updates on platforms, subscriptions, and digital accounts to avoid missing important notifications.

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