Hide These Things When Home Staging

Transform your home into an oasis by mastering the art of home staging. It's a game-changer when you're preparing your beloved abode for sale.

Preparing your home for sale is a significant step filled with excitement and the promise of new beginnings. However, this process has its considerations, including the often underestimated art of home staging. Effective home staging is about creating a living space that draws potential buyers in and lets them envision their future there. This comprehensive guide will explore the critical elements you should hide when preparing your home for sale. These strategies enhance your chances of a successful sale and serve as valuable organizational tips for everyday life. Whether preparing your home for sale or just aiming to tidy up and organize, these home staging tips equip you.

Key Takeaways

  • Home staging is essential for crafting an appealing environment when selling your home.
  • During home staging, conceal or remove items like drug paraphernalia, intimate personal items, and pest control elements.
  • Privacy and discretion are essential, including relocating cameras and avoiding contentious items.
  • Sensitivity and making the homeowner scarce during showings contribute to a successful home sale.

Concealing Items for a Successful Home Staging

Hiding items during home staging is vital to getting your home for sale. To create an inviting and appealing environment, consider the following strategies:

Curious Collections: Less Is More

One thing to remember during home staging is the rule of thumb that "less is more." Rooms filled with porcelain dolls, celebrity shrines, or collections of the unusual can deter potential buyers. At its core, home staging is all about guiding buyers to envision their future within that space. This simplifies the process of forming an emotional connection with the property. By concealing such items, you pave the way for buyers to make that crucial emotional connection.

Camera Privacy: A Must-Have

Your home is a sanctuary; respecting privacy is essential, especially in bedrooms and personal spaces. If you have cameras near or around your bed, consider moving them to maintain a comfortable atmosphere. Remember that home staging is about creating a welcoming space and ensuring your privacy-enhancing efforts shine through.

Concealing Personal Items: Respect Boundaries

Intimate personal items, such as personal massagers, oils, and condoms, should be packed away. While this might sound like a no-brainer, it's easy to overlook these items, and the last thing you want is an uncomfortable moment during showings. By concealing these items, you create an environment that's open, inviting, and devoid of distractions.

Concealing Pest Control: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Our list finds an element that isn't often discussed but is equally crucial—concealing pest control items. Mousetraps and roach motels might sometimes be necessary, but showcasing them during home staging is a big no-no. These items can signal potential buyers that your home has a pest problem. To create a flawless and inviting atmosphere, it's best to store them underneath appliances, ensuring they remain hidden during showings.

Politics: Keep It Neutral

Given the contentious nature of politics, it's wise to avoid displaying party affiliations or presidential endorsements in your home. Political discussions are better left out of the home-for-sale process, as they can polarize potential buyers. Removing any party signage creates a neutral and pleasant atmosphere that helps potential buyers focus on the property rather than any political affiliations.

Taxidermy: Tread Lightly

For those with a penchant for hunting, we acknowledge the appeal of taxidermy. However, it's best to keep it under wraps regarding home staging. Multiple animal heads on the wall or a stuffed badger in the parlor can create a sense of foreboding throughout showings, potentially driving away potential buyers. To ensure a more inviting atmosphere that fosters imagination and positivity in your home for sale, consider hiding these items during the selling process.

Firearms and Combat Weapons: A Safe Solution

For gun enthusiasts, home staging demands extra attention to safety. Rifles should be tucked away in a safe, and other weapons like combat knives, throwing stars, swords, and even great axes should be stored. This ensures a safe environment and avoids intimidation potential buyers may feel when encountering such items.

Drug Paraphernalia: Hide the High

Our journey begins with a critical point: concealing drug paraphernalia. Even in areas where marijuana is legally accepted, it's vital to acknowledge that not everyone holds the same viewpoint. To create an inviting and appealing environment in your home for sale, ensure that your "Yes, we cannabis!" posters, rolling papers, and even your 3-foot bong are tucked away. Creating a clean, clutter-free space is pivotal to successful home staging, putting potential buyers at ease.

Memorials for the Departed: Respectful Relocation

It's essential to approach memorials for the departed with sensitivity. Urns carrying ashes and framed family photos of the deceased are touching tributes, but it's crucial to remember that not every potential buyer may share this sentiment. For a more neutral and appealing atmosphere in your home, contemplate relocating these items (for the time being) when potential buyers visit. This thoughtful gesture can contribute to a smoother sale and help potential buyers focus on the property itself.

The Homeowner: A Brief Disappearance

While you may be a fantastic homeowner, it's essential to make yourself scarce for the benefit of potential buyers and to align with the preferences of real estate agents. This practice allows potential buyers to explore the home for sale without any external disturbances or interruptions.


Elevating the allure of your home is a must when you're getting it ready for sale, and that's where home staging steps into the spotlight. By following these guidelines and concealing or removing the items mentioned above, you can create an inviting, clutter-free environment that allows potential buyers to picture themselves living in your space. These strategies contribute to a successful home sale and inspire better organization in your daily life. So, remember these tips to create an appealing and market-ready space as you prepare your home for sale. Whether you're gearing up to sell your home or just looking to declutter, these home staging strategies will ensure that your property makes a lasting impression on potential buyers.


1. Can these home staging strategies be implemented in all properties, regardless of size or style?

Yes, these home staging strategies are adaptable to various types of properties, irrespective of size or style. The objective is to establish an inviting atmosphere that increases the potential for a successful sale.

2. Can I apply these home staging tips even if I'm not planning to sell my home?

Yes! These home staging strategies can be beneficial for decluttering and better organization in your living space, whether or not you intend to sell your home. They create an inviting and tidy environment year-round.

3. What can I do if I have large toys or items that are challenging to conceal during home staging?

For more giant toys or items that are challenging to hide, consider parking them behind furniture, such as a sofa. This ensures they remain within reach of children while not being the first thing potential buyers encounter when entering the home.

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