How To Sell A Home With Pets

Selling a home with pets? Prioritize your furry friends and enhance your home's appeal with these tips. Maximize the marketability of your home.

Are you a homeowner looking to put your property on the market? Do you share your space with beloved household pets? If you answered yes to both questions, you're not alone. A significant portion of Teaxas homeowners are also pet owners. While having household pets can bring immense joy and comfort, selling a home with pets can pose unique challenges.

Fortunately, you can navigate the process successfully with careful planning and strategic steps. This article will explore essential tips for selling a home with pets and ensuring a smooth sale.

Key Takeaways

  • Selling a home with pets requires careful planning and consideration of your furry friends' needs.
  • Relocating pets during showings to create a seamless experience for buyers is essential.
  • Consult a veterinarian to reduce your pets' stress and prioritize their well-being during selling.
  • Addressing pet odors, stains, and damage while enhancing your yard's curb appeal can boost your home's marketability.

Find a Sitter: Relocate Your Household Pets During Showings

Selling a home with household pets can be a rewarding yet challenging experience. Among the first steps to consider is finding a suitable place for your beloved furry friends during showings. This initial step is pivotal because it allows potential buyers to explore your home without distractions or concerns, creating a seamless and positive experience for all parties involved.

Here are some viable options to consider for relocating your pets during the crucial showing periods:

  • Grandparents or Trusted Friends: If your parents or close friends are willing to lend a helping hand, this can be an ideal solution. Your pets will likely feel at ease with familiar faces, which can minimize stress. Their presence provides comfort and familiarity to your pets, ensuring a smoother transition during showings.
  • Neighborhood Kennels: Local kennels and pet boarding facilities are well-prepared to provide a secure and comfortable environment for your pets during showings. Opting for this choice offers peace of mind for you and your pets.
  • Doggy Daycare: Doggy daycare centers are an excellent choice for active and social pets. They ensure that your pets are safe and well-cared for and provide opportunities for social interaction and playtime while you're occupied with showings. This option keeps your pets engaged and content, reducing the stress associated with changes in their daily routine.

Selling a Home with Pets: The Importance of Scheduled Showings

Selling a home with pets means collaborating with a realtor to facilitate showings. Ensuring your realtor comprehends the significance of pet-friendly scheduling in this process is crucial. The ultimate goal is to minimize any last-minute stress for your beloved pets.

Having scheduled showings gives you the advantage of preparing your pets in advance. This preparation ensures they are comfortable and secure when potential buyers arrive, creating a smoother and more pleasant home-selling experience for all involved. It's all about making the transition as stress-free as possible for your household pets.

Talk To Your Vet: Prioritize Your Pet's Well-Being

Home selling can be demanding and stressful for everyone involved, including our beloved household pets. Just as humans can feel the strain of this significant life change, our furry friends can also be impacted. It's vital to remember that your pets are not just animals; they are cherished members of your family. As such, their well-being should remain a top priority throughout the process.

Pets, especially older or anxious ones, can struggle with the disruptions caused by selling a home. Changes in routine, the influx of unfamiliar faces, and the upheaval of their familiar environment can lead to anxiety and stress. This is where the expertise of your veterinarian comes into play.

Consulting your veterinarian is wise when selling a home with pets, especially if you have older or anxious pets. Veterinarians are well-versed in understanding the unique needs of household pets. They can provide guidance on creating a supportive and comforting environment for your pets during this transitional period.

Eliminate Smells and Stains: Enhance the Appeal of Your Home

When selling a home with household pets, the role of odors should not be underestimated. The last thing you want is potential buyers being greeted with less-than-pleasant scents when they enter your home. Your home should be fresh and clean to make a positive first impression.

If your household pets have left any stains or odors in your home, addressing them is essential. These odors can be a deal-breaker, and professional treatments are often the best solution for stubborn pet-related odors and stains.

Professional treatments have the expertise and tools to tackle even the most challenging pet-related odors and stains. They work wonders in restoring your home to a clean and inviting state, which is crucial for a successful sale.

Remember, a home that smells fresh and clean is far more appealing to potential buyers. It sets a positive tone, ensuring that your home leaves a lasting impression for all the right reasons. So, when selling a home with pets, don't underestimate the impact of a clean and odor-free environment. It's a small but vital step towards a successful sale.

Depersonalizing Your Space: Removing Signs of Your Pet

When staging your home for potential buyers, depersonalization is key. This process involves removing any signs of your pet, ensuring that your space appears neutral and inviting. Buyers should be able to envision themselves living in your home. Here's how to get started

  • Remove Pet Toys: Gather your pet's toys and store them out of sight. This step not only depersonalizes your space but also helps declutter your home.
  • Put Away Food Bowls: Food bowls should be tucked away when unused. This small change can make a big difference in creating a clean, open atmosphere.
  • Store Crates: If you have pet crates, consider relocating them during showings. Crates can take up space and may not align with a buyer's vision of the home.
  • Pet Beds and Accessories: Clear out pet beds and any other accessories. These items, while beloved by your furry friends, can be distracting to potential buyers.

Fix the Damage: Repairing Pet-Related Wear and Tear

Selling a home with pets often comes with the challenge of addressing pet-related wear and tear. Your beloved furry friends, as wonderful as they are, can sometimes leave their mark on your property. Scratched flooring, chewed areas, or torn furniture are not uncommon issues. Before you list your home, consider investing in a pre-sale inspection to identify necessary repairs. This proactive approach can enhance your property's appeal and overall value.

Freshen Up Your Yard: Boost Curb Appeal

When it comes to selling a home with pets, don't overlook the importance of your yard in making a positive impression on potential buyers. Your yard is often the first thing they see, and pet-related issues like digging and grass damage can be a deal-breaker. However, you can improve your yard's appearance with a little effort.
Here's how:

  • Quick Fixes for Damaged Yard Areas: Assess your yard for pet-related damage. Fill in holes created by digging, reseed patchy grass areas, and ensure the yard looks well-maintained.
  • Regular Clean-Up: Whether your pet is a dog, cat, or any other household pet, it's essential to keep the yard clean. Regularly pick up after your pet to maintain a clean and appealing exterior.
  • Showcase Pet-Friendly Features: If your yard has specific pet-friendly features, be sure to showcase them. Highlight any outdoor pet areas, dog runs, or other amenities that can be attractive to pet-owning buyers.

Conclusion: Selling A Home With Pets

Selling a home with pets doesn't have to be a daunting task. By finding a suitable place for your pets during showings, scheduling viewings, seeking guidance from your veterinarian, addressing pet odors and stains, and repairing any damage, you can create a welcoming environment for potential buyers. Enhance your property's curb appeal and prioritize your pets' well-being. Achieving a smooth and successful sale while considering the needs of your household pets is possible.


1. What if my pets are rescue animals?

If your pets are rescue animals, it's crucial to be extra attentive to their needs and potential sensitivities during the home-selling process. Here’s what you should do:

  • Consult your veterinarian for guidance
  • Maintain a consistent routine
  • Use familiar items, inform potential buyers
  • Provide your rescue pets with patience and support throughout the transition.

2. What to do if a potential buyer is allergic?

When dealing with a potential buyer who has pet allergies, take these steps:

  • Inform your realtor about the situation.
  • Deep clean your home to remove allergens.
  • Temporarily relocate your pets during showings.
  • Use air purifiers to improve indoor air quality.
  • Wash pet bedding and clean all pet-related items.
  • Ventilate your home to reduce allergen concentration.

3. Can I leave my fish in the tank during showings?

It's generally best to relocate your fish during showings to reduce stress and potential damage. If you choose to leave them in, inform your realtor and ensure the tank is well-maintained and safe.

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