Helpful Tips That Won’t Make Moving Stressful

Moving can be challenging, and with so many tasks to make moving stressful, here are some practical tips to ease your mind.


Life can make moving stressful. From the planning stages to uncluttering and, finally, the big day, there are many tasks to take care of and uncertainties along the way.

Today, we're all about helping you through the tricky moving stages that, let’s face it, can cause a little mental strain, not to mention the physical aches and pains of reigniting oft-used muscles. Take a moment to sit back while we explore practical tips to ease your spirit, mind, and body as you prepare for moving day.

Key Takeaways

  • Deciding to move marks a significant milestone in the multifaceted relocation process.
  • Jotting down the anticipated pros and cons of your move can provide clarity and facilitate informed decision-making.
  • Engaging in conversations about your move with loved ones can alleviate stress.
  • Recognizing that moving day is just one challenging phase within the broader spectrum of moving stages is essential for effective planning and preparation.
  • Experiencing mixed emotions about moving is a natural and expected part of the relocation process.

Understanding Situations That Make Moving Stressful

Why This Stage Is Hard

It’s funny that the first step to make moving stressful is to decide to move. This step kicks off everything and is the first step among many. You must consider why you're moving and where you want to live.

How to Deal With Initial Stresses

Take time and weigh your options; take your time with your decisions. Write down the pros and cons you suspect you will find during the moving process. This preparation can help you understand your expectations better. Chatting with family and friends can also help you get tips to make moving easier.

For example, Jane, a mom with two kids, discussed her situation with her close friend. After the conversation, she felt moving was the best choice for her children's education opportunities in the new location. This conversation helped Jane feel more at ease as she moved through the moving stages, making her initial decision much clearer.

The Wrong Neighborhood Can Make Moving Stressful.

Why This Stage Is Hard

Once you've decided to move, the next big task is to look for a new place to live. Sorting through several possible neighborhoods or cities is frustrating and may seem like it takes forever. It can be challenging to find the ideal location since you want everything to be just how you like it.

How to Deal With It

You can use a realtor to ease some mental strain that makes moving stressful. Let your agent know what you must have in a new home. Do you need a big kitchen? A yard? How many bedrooms and bathrooms? Make a list of your needs and prioritize your wants. Breaking down your needs and wants early will help your agent better understand which houses will work for you.

Packing Can Make Moving Stressful, So Start Early

Why This Stage Is Hard

Next is the part where you must pack; many folks find that packing makes moving stressful. It might be the most stressful part of your journey. Think about packing up everything you own into boxes. You'll need to pick what stays and what goes. Plus, what if something important to you gets broken? As a whole, packing can provide a lot of uncertainties.

How to Deal With It

Begin packing up weeks before you move. Make sure you get strong boxes. If you feel packing will make moving stressful, we suggest packing a little at a time over several weeks. Start with lesser-used items first, and pack the most used rooms closer to your move date. A college student, Tim started packing two months before his move and labeled each box. It made his moving day smooth and stress-free.

Saying Goodbye

Why This Stage Is Hard

Saying goodbye is hard. You might feel down about saying goodbye to friends and places you know well.

How to Deal With It

Before you move, you could have a goodbye party. That way, you can see all your friends one last time. Also, it's not like you'll never see them again. You can still call or video chat. Keeping in touch can make this part of the moving stages a happier occasion, a fresh start.

The Big Move

Why This Stage Is Hard

The moving day is full of rushing around. There's a ton that gets done in not enough time. You'll go through a long day of moving.

How to Deal With It

Seek assistance from friends or use a relocation company. Also, keep a bag with important stuff you'll need right away. Think snacks, water, and some essential first-aid items. Anna, who moved last year, kept a small bag with her all day. It had her phone charger, some snacks, and her medicine. Knowing there would be some uncertainties, Anna knew her most essential items for that day were nearby.

Settling In

Why This Stage Is Hard

You've moved, but you're not done. You have to unpack and make the new place feel like home. Even though it's the last of the moving stages, it takes work.

How to Deal With It

First, unpack what you need the most, like your clothes and dishes. Then, you can start on less essential belongings. Make sure to take breaks. You don't have to get everything done in one day. You can space it out over weeks if you’d like.

Problems After Moving

Why This Stage Is Hard

You might find problems you should have noticed. Maybe the shower doesn't work right, or you find out your new neighbors like to play loud music at night.

How to Deal With It

Make a list of what needs fixing and deal with it individually. If it's something big, like a broken shower, call someone to fix it. If it's a problem with your neighbors, try talking to them first.


Moving is a challenging task with several moving stages that can make you feel stressed. But remember, even though each step can make moving stressful, these moments bring an opportunity for a fresh beginning. With the advice we've shared, you'll have a smoother experience.


1. What can be done to ease the strain of things that make moving stressful?

The first thing to do is to decide that you're going to move. This decision kicks off everything and is the first step in many moving stages.

2. How do I decide if moving is the right choice?

Write down the good stuff and bad stuff about moving. This step can help you understand your move. Chatting with family and friends can also give you good advice for those things that will make moving stressful. This edge can help you prepare.

3. Is it normal to feel sad about leaving my current home?

You might feel down about saying goodbye to friends and places you know well. It's a normal feeling when you're going through the moving stages.

4. How can family and friends help during the moving process?

Family and friends can give you good advice and even lend a hand with packing and moving. With support, those things that make moving stressful can be reduced and managed.

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