Unmasking Conflicts of Interest:Tips for Homebuyers

Discover how conflicts of interest shape homebuyers' choices and outcomes. Navigate with expert advice for informed decisions.

Buying a home is one of many individuals' most significant financial choices. While the journey can be thrilling and overwhelming, it's crucial to recall that only a specific group involved places your best interests at the forefront. Real estate agents, for example, have a fiduciary duty to their clients, but conflicts of interest may compromise their ability to fulfill that duty. In this blog post, we'll explore the potential impact of conflicts of interest between real estate agents and their clients and what homebuyers need to know to protect themselves.

Key Takeaways

  • Conflicts of interest can arise when real estate agents' personal or financial interests clash with their duty to clients, potentially impacting the quality of advice and decisions during home-buying.
  • Examples of conflicts include dual agency, where an agent represents both buyer and seller; commissions influencing agent behavior; and agent-owned businesses potentially compromising recommendations.
  • These conflicts can limit property options, increase costs, and weaken negotiation power for buyers, potentially leading to less favorable outcomes.
  • To safeguard against conflicts, homebuyers should ask questions about potential conflicts, work with exclusive buyer's agents, and independently research service providers to ensure unbiased advice and decisions.

What are Conflicts of Interest?

A conflict of interest arises when an individual or organization becomes entangled in multiple interests. One of these interests could corrupt one's motivation, judgment, or actions toward the other interest. In the case of a real estate agent, conflicts of interest can arise when their financial or personal interests conflict with the best interests of their client.

For example, a real estate agent representing the seller in a transaction may have a conflict of interest if they recommend that the homebuyers pay a higher price for the property. The agent may receive a higher commission if the property sells for more, benefiting the seller but not necessarily the buyer.

Another example is if a real estate agent owns a home inspection business and recommends their company to the buyer. This is a conflict of interest because the agent may be motivated by financial gain rather than finding the best home inspector for their client.

Potential Conflicts and Their Impact on Homebuyer's Decisions

Conflicts of interest between real estate agents and their clients can significantly impact home buying. Buyers must understand these potential conflicts and how they can affect their decisions. Here are some key points to consider:

Dual Agency

A frequent conflict of interest occurs when a real estate agent represents the homebuyers and the sellers in a transaction. This is known as dual agency. While the dual agency is legal in some places, it can compromise the agent's ability to fully advocate for either party's best interests. In such cases, the agent may prioritize closing the deal quickly rather than negotiating the best terms for their client.


Real estate agents typically receive compensation through a commission structure tied to the property's sale price. This payment structure might lead some agents to encourage buyers to make higher offers, as it would result in a higher commission for them. Buyers should know that the agent's incentive to close the deal at a higher price might not align with their budget constraints.

Property Selection

Agents may have listings from their agency or certain properties offering higher commissions. This could lead them to steer buyers towards these properties, even if they don't entirely match the buyer's preferences or requirements. Buyers should independently research properties and ensure the suggested options align with their needs.

Limited Property Disclosures

Agents might withhold information about potential issues with a property to make the sale more attractive. This could range from hidden structural problems to neighborhood concerns. Buyers should diligently research and contemplate enlisting a home inspector to comprehensively assess the property.

Inadequate Representation

Buyers must ensure that their chosen agent genuinely represents their interests rather than just focusing on closing a deal. Some agents may prioritize their own schedule and interests over the buyers', leading to rushed decisions or missed opportunities.

Market Pressure

In a competitive real estate market, agents may urge buyers to make quick decisions or waive certain contingencies to secure a property. This pressure can lead to buyers making hasty decisions without fully considering the implications.

Negotiation Skills

An agent's negotiation skills are crucial in getting the best deal for a buyer. However, if an agent has a close relationship with the seller's agent, they might negotiate less aggressively on the buyer's behalf.

The Impact of Conflicts of Interest on Homebuyers

The implications of conflicts of interest for buyers can be substantial. Here are several ways these conflicts can influence your situation:

  • Limited Property Options

If your agent has a conflict of interest with the seller, they may not show you properties that are a better fit for you but could result in lower commissions for them. This limits your options and could result in you settling for a property that needs to be corrected for you.

  • Increased Costs

Conflicts of interest can also lead to increased costs for the homebuyers. For example, if your agent recommends their own home inspection business or a lender with whom they have a relationship, the costs for these services may be higher than if you shopped on your own.

  • Limited Negotiation Power

If your agent conflicts, they may negotiate less hard on your behalf. This could result in you paying more for the property or receiving fewer concessions from the seller.

Protecting Yourself from Conflicts of Interest

While conflicts of interest can be detrimental to homebuyers, there are steps you can take to protect yourself:

  • Ask Questions

Be bold and ask your agent if they have any conflicts of interest in a transaction. If they do, ask how they plan to handle them and ensure they act in your best interest.

  • Work with a Buyer's Agent

A buyer's agent exclusively represents the homebuyer's interests and has no conflicts of interest with the seller. This can provide peace of mind and ensure you receive unbiased advice throughout the home-buying process.

  • Do Your Own Research

Be proactive and research inspectors, lenders, and other service providers. This can help you find the best deal and ensure you're not paying more because of a conflict of interest.


Conflicts of interest hold the potential to considerably affect homebuyers. It is essential to grasp their nature, comprehend their impact on you, and learn protective measures. By asking questions, working with a buyer's agent, and doing your own research, you can make informed decisions and receive unbiased advice throughout the home-buying process. Remember, buying a home is a big investment, and you deserve an agent solely focused on helping you make the best decision for your situation.

Experience the difference of working with agents who prioritize you. Visit HAR.com today to connect with the perfect agent who will turn your homeownership dreams into reality. Your journey starts with a connection – find your ideal agent on HAR.com now!



1. What's the difference between a buyer's and seller's agents?

A buyer's agent exclusively represents the homebuyer's interests, aiming to find the best property fit and negotiate favorable terms. In contrast, a seller's agent works to secure the best deal for the seller.

2. Can conflicts of interest impact the information agents provide about a property's condition?

Yes, conflicts can lead agents to downplay issues to make a property more appealing, highlighting the importance of conducting independent inspections.

3. How can I determine if an agent I'm considering has a conflict of interest?

Directly inquiring with the agent about potential conflicts in a specific transaction is an option. This transparency serves to prioritize your best interests.

4. Are dual agency situations always harmful to homebuyers?

While the dual agency is legal in some places, it can create challenges. Homebuyers should be cautious and seek representation from a buyer's agent to avoid potential conflicts.

5. Should I trust an agent's recommendation for service providers like home inspectors or lenders?

While an agent's recommendations can be helpful, it's wise to do your own research to ensure you're getting the best deal and service. This minimizes the risk of inflated costs due to potential conflicts.

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