Burbs Moving Myths Debunked

Uncover the truth about burbs moving myths! Don't be misled - get facts on suburban living vs. city life.


Are you considering a move to the suburbs? Well, for some, burbs moving is rife with questions. Are the burbs really that quiet? Is there nothing to do in the suburbs? And how will I get around if I don’t have a vehicle?

The myths of moving to the suburbs are based on the assumed 1950s “Leave it to Beaver” backdrop of a quiet and romantic lifestyle. And for many in this fast-paced world, this type of burbs myth just won’t do. But do these burbs myths make sense?

Today, we will break down five of the most common myths about burbs moving. And hopefully, it gives you a few more moving options to consider.

The Origin of Burbs Moving Myths

The origin of Burbs moving myths started during the 1950s and subsequent decades. Popular television shows such as Leave It to Beaver and The Brady Bunch depicted an ideal family-rich lifestyle that many craved. Where people once moved to the city to find jobs and take advantage of amenities, that all changed as housing pushed beyond city limits. And with that change came the extreme comparisons of the city and suburbs. There are fewer amenities and farther distance from job opportunities, limited museums and entertainment, and so on. But these Burbs myths were developed in the infancy of suburbs and community planning. And while the myths still circulate, the big question is, are they still accurate?

Common Burbs Moving Myths and Their Realities

Myth 1: Moving to the burbs is always cheaper.

A dominant burbs-moving myth suggests that suburban living is more affordable than city life. It's accurate, as expenses such as larger housing can often be cheaper. However, the overall cost of living might be on par with urban centers when you factor in other elements. For instance, in suburban areas like Sugarland, Texas, close to the tech hub of Houston, the housing might be more spacious for the price compared to the city. Still, the cost of amenities, local taxes, and transportation can make the overall expenses comparable to urban living.

Myth 2: The suburbs are always quiet and peaceful.

Numerous individuals are drawn to the burbs, envisioning tranquil evenings and peaceful dawns. While it's true that the suburbs offer more calm than city living, each suburb has its distinct character. For instance, suburbs like The Woodlands offer an eclectic nightlife ranging from swanky rooftop bars to unique street-level sports bars while providing a respite from the non-stop energy of Houston. Additionally, suburbs offer vibrant event venues, parks, and shopping corridors often busy with the feel of an uptown or downtown urban location.

Myth 3: It's Essential to Have a Car in the Burbs.

One of the long-standing burbs myths is that public transportation is non-existent, making a personal car a necessity. While it's true that having a car can be more convenient in the suburbs, many suburban areas now have robust public transportation systems. Always check local transportation options before committing to a vehicle purchase.

Myth 4: The suburbs lack cultural and recreational activities.

The idea that the suburbs are void of culture and entertainment is one of the more outdated burbs myths. Many suburbs today boast vibrant art scenes, local theaters, recreational parks, and even food festivals. With metropolitan centers needing more urban development of large venues such as sports stadiums, many cities move their venues to nearby suburbs, such as FC Dallas Soccer, based out of Frisco, Texas. Suburbs offer available space for new stadiums and venues surrounding those stadiums.

Myth 5: All suburbs are the same.

This particular notion might top the list of misleading burbs moving myths. No two suburbs are identical; each boasts its distinct culture, population mix, facilities, and overall atmosphere. For example, Plano, outside of Dallas, offers a city-like bustling experience. In contrast, outside of Austin, Bee Cave is a younger suburb that caters to millennials and Gen Z-style amenities. It's imperative to do thorough research to find a suburb that best matches your style and vibe.

Tips for a Smooth Burbs Moving Experience

Research thoroughly: Don’t rely on generalized notions or burbs myths. Dive deep into specifics, from school districts to local amenities.

Visit multiple times: Visit your chosen suburb during different times of the day to get a well-rounded feel of the place.

Engage with locals: Talking to residents can provide you with insights that no amount of online research can.

Plan your commute: If you're still working or have commitments in the city, plan your commute to avoid potential hassles.

Hire a local realtor: A realtor familiar with the suburb can guide you best, offering insights that might take time to get through.

The Burbs Moving Future

Given the recent trends, with more people working remotely, the appeal of the suburbs is steadily growing. As this happens, it's crucial to separate fact from fiction, reality from burbs myths. Only by doing so can we ensure a more informed and enjoyable moving experience.


In exploring the burbs moving landscape, we've encountered numerous myths that shade our perceptions, from financial to cultural nuances. By shedding light on these misconceptions, we aim to simplify and clarify the path for those considering a suburban transition. We encourage you to carve your way as you find yourself at this pivotal juncture, equipped with understanding and clarity. Embark on your burbs moving experience with confidence, curiosity, and the excitement of discovering your ideal suburban haven.


1. Why are there so many myths about burbs moving?

Over the years, the comparison between city life and suburban life has been made through experience, media, and social commentary that still needs to change with the growth of modern suburbs.

2. Is it true that moving to the burbs is always cheaper than city living?

No, it's one of the most prevalent burbs moving myths. While certain expenses, like housing, might be lower in some suburbs, the overall cost of living can be comparable to cities. It depends on factors such as the suburb's amenities, distance from major cities, and more.

3. Do I need to own a car in the suburbs?

While this is a common belief among the burbs myths, it is only sometimes true. Many suburbs nowadays offer efficient public transportation. However, the convenience of having a car might be preferable in certain suburbs, those farther away from urban centers or with less developed public transport.

4. Are the suburbs always quiet and devoid of culture?

Another burbs-moving myth! Many modern suburbs offer a rich cultural scene, from local theaters and art exhibits to food festivals.

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