The Basics of Porting A Mortgage At Low Interest Rate

Porting a mortgage can be an effective option if you want to finance a new property. Let’s explore how to port your mortgage for a new home!

Porting a mortgage is the financial strategy you need to consider if you want to keep that low interest rate you've secured on your current home loan to buy a new property. It's a concept that can be a game-changer in real estate financing.

If you're considering purchasing a new home, porting a mortgage is a topic you should explore. Mortgage portability means moving your current home loan, including all the rules and details, to finance a new home. This can impact your financial situation, especially if you have managed to secure a highly favorable mortgage interest rate.

In this guide, we'll take you through the basics of porting a mortgage, exploring how it can unlock significant savings and financial flexibility for your home financing goals.

Key Takeaways

  • Porting a mortgage allows you to transfer your existing home loan and its terms to a new property while maintaining your low interest rate.
  • Confirm your eligibility for porting a mortgage before diving into your new home search, as not all mortgages offer this option, and eligibility criteria vary.
  • The amount you can port depends on your lender's policies and may need adjustment to match the new home's value.
  • Understanding your eligibility, and terms and conditions is crucial for making the most of mortgage portability.

Porting A Mortgage & Its Eligibility

When you opt for mortgage portability, the process involves settling your existing mortgage using the proceeds from selling your current home. Afterward, you continue the same mortgage terms in your new property.

Porting a mortgage can be a valuable choice if your current mortgage deal still has time left, and terminating it prematurely would result in a substantial early repayment charge (ERC). The idea of saving a significant sum of money throughout the life of a new loan can be a game-changer, particularly when you're in the market for a home and facing high interest rates.

Eligibility Criteria For Porting A Mortgage

However, it's essential to confirm your eligibility for mortgage porting before diving too deep into your search for a new home. Eligibility for mortgage portability varies significantly. Some lenders permit it, while others do not. Furthermore, not all mortgages offer this option. For instance, most variable-rate mortgages, where the interest rate varies, cannot be ported.

Another factor influencing your eligibility is the size of your current mortgage relative to the cost of the new home you intend to purchase. You cannot port your mortgage if you are moving into a less expensive home and do not require the entire outstanding mortgage.

However, there is a possibility of porting a mortgage if you are transitioning to a home with a price equal to or higher than your current home loan. In cases where the required mortgage for the new property is larger, your lender may propose a 'blend and extend' option. This approach combines your old and current rates to determine a new rate.

Typically, meeting the standard requirement includes having an impeccable repayment history and satisfying your lender's affordability criteria for the new property. Expect your lender to request a new loan application, encompassing affordability assessments and credit checks for you and any co-applicant.

Sometimes, lenders may impose additional conditions, such as requesting you to increase your mortgage amount (i.e., borrow against any equity in your current home) if the new home is more expensive.

Porting A Mortgage: How?

Let's delve into the steps for successfully porting your mortgage:

Check Your Mortgage Agreement

Before proceeding, review your current mortgage agreement to ensure it's portable. Not all mortgages offer this option, so knowing your terms is essential.

Consult Your Lender

The next step is to inform your lender of your intention to port your mortgage. They'll help you navigate the mortgage porting process and give you all the necessary paperwork.

Inspection of Your New Home

Your lender will assess the new home's value to ensure it meets their criteria for mortgage portability. This step is crucial, affecting the amount you can port.

Calculating Your Porting Amount

The amount you can port depends on your lender's policies. Typically, you can port your existing mortgage balance, but not all of your original terms may transfer. You may need to adjust the mortgage amount to match the new home's value.

Porting a Mortgage: The Key Benefits

Mortgage portability holds the following home financing benefits:

Lower Interest Rates

Porting a mortgage is like a money-saving plan. When you do it, you bring your old loan's interest rate to your new home. This can be a big money-saver, especially if interest rates have hiked since you last secured your previous home loan.

Low Costs of Transitioning to a New Property

If you're eyeing that new home but want to avoid being burdened with higher interest rates, mortgage portability is your answer. It allows you to maintain the financial benefits of your current mortgage while enjoying the perks of your new home.

Financial Flexibility

Porting your mortgage allows you to explore various properties without the stress of reapplying for a new loan. Plus, it can save you from prepayment penalties or the hassle of breaking your current mortgage agreement.

Lower Specific Fees

When you port your mortgage, you avoid specific fees associated with a new application, such as closing costs and appraisal fees. This can lead to significant savings, making your transition to a new home more budget-friendly.

Making the Move to Your New Property

Once you've successfully ported your mortgage, it's time to move to your new home. Check your financial situation and ensure you have enough finances for advance payments and any extra expenses linked to the new property. Moreover, coordinate the logistics of your move, including hiring movers, packing, and updating your address with relevant parties.


1. How do I calculate the porting amount when porting a mortgage?

The amount you can port is usually your existing mortgage balance, but it may need to be adjusted to match the value of your new property according to your lender's policies.

2. Is porting a mortgage possible if I want to downsize my home?

You can port your mortgage when downsizing to a smaller new property. It's a valuable option to maintain favorable loan terms.

3. Can I make changes to my mortgage terms when porting a mortgage?

While the interest rate typically remains the same, you can adjust your mortgage terms when porting a mortgage, depending on your lender's policies.

Parting Words

Porting a mortgage is not just a financial strategy; it's a smart move to preserve your low interest rate while transitioning to your new property. The substantial savings over the life of your loan make it a smart choice for anyone seeking to keep their housing costs manageable.

However, it's crucial to check your eligibility with your lender and understand the applicable terms and conditions. The flexibility and financial advantages are there for those who can take advantage of them. Take action now and port your mortgage!

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