Can I sell my house without using a Realtor

Status: Open
Oct 01, 2020 Views1,814 Answer a Question

I'm getting ready to sell my house in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. I had one Realtor come to the house, but they said I should put some money into some repairs and cleaning before selling. I don't really have the extra money to do that. Can I just sell my house now without a Realtor? Are there any good places to do this and how hard is it?

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Home Selling
About 2 years ago
Yes you can sell your house on your own. However using a Realtor can help make the process much more stressful. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
About 2 years ago
Yes you can as FSBO listing. I highly recommend to have real estate attorney review your sales contract if not planning to use a realtor.
About 2 years ago
You absolutely can. But the bigger question is why not use a Real Estate Agent that can do the work for you?
Homes sold by real estate agents sell faster and sell top dollar, usually realtors pay for themselves.

What value does a realtor add in selling your home?
* Does a comparative market analysis, pricing it accurately and suggesting a price you should list it for.
* Lists it on multiple listing services - getting more exposure for your listings, millions of MLS users see your listing which translates into many more showings and offers.
* Guides you through forms that are needed to sell your house, such as a sellers disclosure, Notice of Information from other sources. Notice of water district, MUD, HOA
etc. Every step of the way saving you from liability issues.
* Wading through offers, and suggesting which offer will work or fall through.
* Guidance and negotiations during inspection, and appraisal process.
* Guidance when coming to picking the right offer, by looking at the financing and background of each contract.
* Closing, suggesting title companies, making appointments with the title company for a mutually convenient time and assuring you get a smooth close ahead.

And the list goes on. these are just the some of the attributes that a Realtor brings to the table,

You can sell your house as is no repairs needed, cash buyers (NON-MLS buyers), usually offer considerably less than a property's worth, don't discount your property, call a real estate agent instead and make it clear to him that the property is to be sold as is, where is. I have recently closed a house where we had multiple offers prior to the tenants moving out. The seller had to do nothing to the property.

If you are in the market to sell your house, call me for a consultation, its free.

Abbas Naqvi
Realm Real Estate
Personal experience and hands on knowledge.
About 3 years ago
Not sure what type of market you are in MA, but if you are in a hot seller's market you might be leaving money on the table if not priced correctly. Plus handling multiple offers is not an easy task. Found this guide on Pinterest a few weeks back and thought it was neat
About 3 years ago
I certainly do not recommended you going through this process without a realtor. We are happy to assist and answer all questions and make this home sell and home purchase and overall move a smoother transition.
About 3 years ago
In Texas, yes you can sell without a Realtor. Be advised you will still have to follow the same laws we do, that the public sometimes doesn’t understand. Missing a required document or filling it out incorrectly can cost large sums of money as well. There is a reason a license is required and there are many many ways to go sideways in a transaction. I’d never sell a home without an agent, period. The risk is too high. If you didn’t agree with the agent you met, talk to other ones and get more opinions as to what is needed to get the top dollar for your home and make it show ready!
About 3 years ago
Yes, you certainly can sell your house without a realtor, but why would you? If you were charged with a crime, would you represent yourself in a court of law to save on attorney's fees? If you were a doctor, would you operate on yourself to avoid paying another doctor? That is basically what you are doing when you sell your house on your own. You are representing yourself in a legal transaction. I, personally, wouldn't recommend selling without a realtor, because I've seen some transactions go very badly. If it's easy and there are zero issues, it can be done with little stress if you know what you're doing. If a problem arises anywhere in the transaction, and they often do, that can be VERY stressful and MUCH more of a headache than just paying a realtor a commission for their knowledge, expertise, and guidance. There is a reason doctors, lawyers, and realtors charge what they charge. Also, remember that the realtor works for YOU, not the other way around. If you want to list without making repairs, then do so, but you won't get top dollar for your home. Good luck!
About 3 years ago
Absolutely you can. You can also sell it with a Realtor in it current condition. Here are a few things you should understand, there is a lot to know when selling a home, you should be familiar with the process and necessary paperwork. Missing a critical step could cause the deal to fall apart or open you up to legal liabilities. You also need to know where to find the buyers. Having a Realtor fixes both of those problems. They need to understand your circumstances and be able to work with what you have. It is great when a seller has tons of equity and cash on hand to make the home perfect and professionally stage it, but that isn't always the case and it doesn't sound like it is for you. If you were in Houston, I could help. The other option is to go to investors. They can buy cash, quickly, as it is. But, they are investors so you won't get anywhere near top dollar. I can't really help much more without more information. In my market I frequently work top dollar listings, distressed or investment homes, I help stop foreclosure and anything in between. There's not much I can't work with.
If you want to talk more I'm happy to,
Ryan Kohn
About 3 years ago
Hello my friend!

Agree with Anh, yes you can. Before getting my real estate license, I sold and purchased over 15 transactions in different states without an agent. However, it's not for everyone! I don't recommend you do it if you do not feel comfortable with the process, marketing, contracts, and negotiating. It's not worth "saving the commission", for sale by owner normally gets less than market value and the property does not get the marketing that you will get with a good realtor. But I again, I did it and it can be done. If you need a good agent with excellent negotiation expertise, feel free to contact me.


Javier Rivera - The CFO Agent
Ai Realty
About 3 years ago
Yes, you can. As long as you have the time, dedication and know how, I believe you can do anything that you set your mind to.

Feel free to shoot me an email at: and I will send you the slides I prepared for my Home Selling Workshop. It's not totally written for the use of for sale by owner, but the slides highlight the steps what you need to take in order to get your home sold. After reading it, decide to use a Realtor or not is up to you.

I'm here to help!
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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