Are sellers mandated to disclose that their home has Chinese drywall?

Status: Closed
Jan 26, 2013 Views10,277 Answer a Question

I am looking to buy a house, but am afraid of buying a house and then finding out it has Chinese drywall in it. Is there any way to protect myself?

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Home Safety
#1 Awarded – Best Answer
About 11 years ago
Sellers are required to disclose obvious defects to a house. Do they always? No. So be sure to do your due diligence. If you have suspicions that a certain neighborhood might have chinese drywall, ask your realtor to do a search for that neighborhood and review the available notes for other similar properties. Many properties with Chinese drywall have been remediated, this is often times disclosed to buyers or agents on a listing. This can be very useful in gaining extra insight into an area.

You can also ask to have the drywall tested or inspected during your inspection. There are clear telltale signs.
About 11 years ago
There is not a specific question about Chinese drywall on the sellers disclosure but IF a seller knows they have it, they should disclose it. Your best protection as a buyer is to get an inspection by a real estate inspector that does an inspection specifically for Chinese drywall. The website that Veronica posted is a good souce of information and has several inspectors listed.
About 11 years ago
it is always best to disclose everything that you know!
About 11 years ago
I don't think that is a specific question on the seller's disclosure. Make sure you have an inspector check for it on the house you buy.
About 11 years ago
Here is a website devoted to Chinese drywall in Houston
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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