Can I finance my sons lease to own property for him?

Status: Open
Dec 22, 2015 Views1,281 Answer a Question

Son and ex leased to own and have 20% down. His credit is 360 due to divorce. Can I buy the house using their down payment and rent it to him till he is ready to purchase it?

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Mortgage & Finance
About 3 years ago
Currently there are a few very good lease to own property programs available in Texas. These lease with the option to buy programs can be a good fit even for persons that may require a co-buyer. With a score as little as 550, there is hope to get into a property in as little as two weeks. The down payment amount for the programs begin around 2%

Pauline Clement Associates is currently a preferred agent for one of these type programs and we are happy to assist getting you or anyone into one.

We are a phone call away. (832) 994-0424
About 7 years ago
If you are interested in a loan or need investor, do contact us through this email address and we are here to help you get what you need.
About 8 years ago
This would be a case where all parties involved would have to come together and discuss the terms. i think the biggest question is the seller willing to let you buy it, it really all depends on the contract and how it was rite up and how agreeable the seller is. I think more information would be needed. The first step would be to meet and discuss possibility, a Realtor would be able to help you threw this process
About 8 years ago
There are a couple of issues involved in this. First, since the home is not actively for sale, arrangements would need to be made with the owner of the home. All homes that are "lease to own" have documents that are drawn up by an attorney so you and your son may also need to consult with an attorney to look over the original agreements. Second, it would also depend on what the divorce decree states in case the lease to own is mentioned. Again consulting an attorney may be a good first step.
About 8 years ago
Ron, wow, that is one sticky situation. With this home being owner financed originally, it may be all up to the owner how this is handled. A mortgage specialist might be able to help you best. My friend Jeff at Envoy mortgage MAY be able to help, but in this situation not for certain. I have provided a link to his contact information below, I hope this helps!
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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