Are there any programs for people with bad credit? Are there any programs or classes I can take to to buy a home?

Status: Open
Oct 16, 2015 Answer a Question

Family of 6 and I live in an apartment. 3 Bed

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Affordable Housing
About 8 years ago
Jason, great question! It's hard to say what program(s) fits your specific scenario, especially not knowing exactly what you qualify as "bad credit". I've had clients qualify when they swore they never would! They best thing to do is contact a real estate agent and ask them about lender contacts they may have. The lenders are going to be a huge help in figuring out what you may qualify for and what steps to take to get the end result! Feel free to contact me for further assistance, thanks for posting!
About 8 years ago
I would recommend following the link to the Texas State Affordable Housing below. There you can find links to programs and classes that can prepare you for buying a home. It will also show programs that can help you with down payment assistance, grants etc if you are a first time buyer and qualify. Here are also the names of tow people who are in the business of helping consumers correct and improve their credit scores to help them ultimately buy a home. They each have a different approach, but the end result is the same to improve your credit score. I have had both highly recommended to me by lenders and individuals who were helped. I am not sure what they charge for their services. Reggie Rice Credit Security Group 281.857.6898 Harry Bradley National Credit Federation 713.419.7151
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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