Home Value

135 Results

Neighborhood Historic Designation Can Raise Property Values

Getting a historic designation for your neighborhood can boost your home’s value by as much as one-third.

Don’t Rely Too Much on That Online Home Value Estimate

Because everything you read on the internet is true, right?

Tips to Make Your Roof Last as Long as Possible

Whether your roof is brand-new or years old, here’s what you need to do to keep it in the best possible shape for the longest possible time.

How Much Value Does Regular Maintenance Add to Your Home?

Learn how much your home can appreciate in value if you do regular maintenance — and what the risks are if you don’t.

Do Swimming Pools Add Value to Homes?

Follow these HouseLogic tips to learn how swimming pools affect home value, and get advice on construction and maintenance costs.

Home Remodeling: 6 Improvements to Increase Home Value

Not all home improvements are created equal. These will reward you the most when it comes time to sell.

Why FHA Supports Home Values

Federal loan insurer provides steady source of mortgage financing for families in all markets across the country.

Home Upgrades with the Lowest ROI

File these six upgrades under wish fulfillment, not value investment.

How Much It Costs to Keep Up with the Joneses

They’re making a pricey remodeling mistake. You don’t have to.

4 Affordable DIYs That Boost Home Value

We’ve got practical and pretty blogger projects that pack a payoff.

8 Tips for Adding Curb Appeal and Value to Your Home

Here are eight ways to help your home put its best face forward.

10 Ways to Evaluate Whether a Home Will Grow With You

In time, you may come to hate your house. It's ok. It happens. Here's how to avoid it.

5 Good Reasons to Tap Your Home Equity

What you spend the money on matters as well. Here are five uses for home equity that can make sense.

What to Expect From a Home Inspection

Be aware that inspections cover most of the house, but certainly not all of it.

9 Surprising Things That Add Value to Your House

Living near a Wal-Mart can add value to your home. No, seriously!

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