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What special or unique characteristics do you feel you would bring to the Director position that would most benefit HAR's members?

As an active Realtor with numerous completed transactions, I have the experience and knowledge to assist other agents going through complicated scenarios through Education and Mentoring.

What do you believe is the greatest challenge facing our industry today?

Third party non regulated websites providing information, often times inaccurate.

About Toke Ettehadieh

Years Licensed

10 years

Real Estate Business Experience

Primarily a residential agent with over 100 residential transactions per year; including lease, listings, and buyer's side transactions. Some commercial activity, limited to about 10 transactions per year.

Institutes, Societies or Councils

Not Provided


Not Provided


Not Provided


Not Provided

Real Estate Designations, Honors and Awards

CIPS, Number 1 Producing Agent in South TEXAS for Century 21, 2017

Community/Charitable Involvement

Having worked at the United Nations office in NYC-as AARP's International Activities Liaison to the United Nations, I have actively worked on behalf of older persons worldwide.

Political Involvement

Not Provided

HAR 2019 Board of Directors Election