
10,159 Posts
First Time Home Buyer/ Move up Buyer Tax Credit De...
1 February, 2010| Home Buying, Home Selling, Education
            First Time Home Buyer/ Move up Buyer Tax Credit Deadline and DetailsAs part of its plan to stimulate the U.S. housing market and addr... read more
Rehabbers Control Property With The Help Of A REAL...
31 January, 2010| Affordable Housing, Foreclosures & Investments, Ed...
In real estate, as in almost everything in life, the advantage goes to the one in control. Putting a property under contract even before all the details are worked gets you into the driver’s seat. Whe... read more
31 January, 2010| Affordable Housing, Foreclosures & Investments, Ed...
  The City of Houston has created three (3) downpayment assistance programs to help families achieve the dream of homeownership. Homebuyers eligible for HAP may receive up to $19,500. Homebuyers... read more
Tax Deductions for Homeowners
31 January, 2010| Home Buying, Home Selling, Education
It's that taxing time of year!  Be sure to double check your deductions to make sure you aren't missing deductions related to owning a home, buying a home, or selling a home.  In additi... read more
Optimist? Pessimist?
28 January, 2010| Housing Market, General, Education
If you have been following my blog, you will know that I enjoy a good quote.  So, I thought on this cloudy day in January that I would pass along a quote or two to keep us all focused.  Yes,... read more
New Boundaries in CCISD
27 January, 2010| General, Education
After much discussion, Clear Creek Independent School district announced their new boundaries for 2010-2011 school year. Find out what areas will feed into the new Clear Falls High School and Bayside... read more
Who doesn't need this????
27 January, 2010| General, Education, Houston Living
I rushed to get this to you - Wait!!!!  I think that was stressful.  I guess I should re-read this. :)   Please take a moment to read this article from the link below (from Realtor... read more
On Facebook? If yes, check this out...
26 January, 2010| Home Marketing, General, Education
If you changed your facebook security settings recently, read this article to see if you did the right thing or if you need to change some of your settings.  You can't be too careful.  This... read more
Interest Rate Expectations from Real Estate Cente...
25 January, 2010| Home Buying, Housing Market, Education
Mortgage rates have been at historic lows during much of 2009.  Economic trends and Federal Reserve actions have combined to allow home buyers across America to purchase homes with a 30-year mort... read more
The Best Schools In Texas
25 January, 2010| Relocation & Newcomer, Education, Houston Living
Having come from the very fractured and underfunded California school system, it came as no surprise to read recently that 12 (yes TWELVE) CCISD campuses are among the best in Texas!... read more
25 January, 2010| General, Education
3 Financial Dangers Of Social MediaBy Claes BellSource: Are you on Facebook? Are you LinkedIn? Do you Tweet? Giving away too much information about yourself can be ha... read more
Generation Z: Full of Promise
24 January, 2010| General, Education
Generation Z:  Full of Promise Generation Z was born after 1995, so not much can be said yet about its character and composition.   Generation Z has also been referred to as “The New... read more
Why ask Y? The Generation of Innovation
23 January, 2010| Home Marketing, General, Education
Why ask Y?  The Generation of InnovationGeneration Y, also referred to as “Gen Y, The Millenials, or The Echo Boomers”, comprises the largest generation since the Baby Boomers.  Th... read more
Sarah Jessica Parker President of Halston Label --...
21 January, 2010| International Real Estate, General, Education
Sarah Jessica Parker president of Halston label McClatchy Jan. 20, 2010, 2:47PMAs if she needed to cement her place in the fashion firmament any more, Sarah Jessica Parker is now perched to ta... read more
Do you know what's the 3rd largest industry in Tex...
21 January, 2010| Home Selling, General, Education
According to the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M real estate is the 3rd largest industry in Texas.  It trails only to manufacturing and mining.  Take a moment to read the article in the... read more