What Does My Credit Score Mean?

This is how a lender views your credit score.  Remember you can change these numbers.  It is best to speak with a loan officer who can guide you through the steps to improving your score.

  • 700+: Excellent.
  • 680-699: Good.
  • 620-679: OK. You likely won't be denied a loan, but the terms may not be generous.
  • 580-619: Banks and lenders are probably able to get you a loan, but it will be very expensive for you.
  • 500-580: You're in trouble. You'll need some credit repair before you get a loan.
  • Below 500: You need to repair your credit now. You may be 6 months to a year from being able to purchase a home.  Ask your loan officer how to repair your credit.  It is easier than you think.
Categories: Home Buying
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