Lessons from a Flooded House -- The joy of chasing a squirrel

Since our home flooded this past July,  we have been living in an apartment.  We will be in this temporary living arrangement until our home is restored.  Our two Miniature Schnauzers -- Toby & Scout -- have been confined to walking on a leash, and taking "breaks" only when we run back the apartment to let them out (which happens 4-6 times a day at least!)  It occurred to me a few days ago that the two-legged family members are not the only ones that have been inconvenienced by our current living situation.  Toby & Scout are use to being able to sit on the back of our couch and watch out the window as their favorite entertainment -- our yard squirrel - runs back and forth across the top of the fence.  Of course their preference is to be outside chasing the squirrel -- but they do eventually come in with their tongues hanging out and happily lay on the couch and watch him.  I am not sure who is more entertained when they are chasing the squirrel -- the dogs or the object of the chase.  It does seem that sometimes the squirrel comes looking for his friends and just enjoys tormenting them as much as possible.  But we don't have our resident squirrel here at the apartment.  

On a recent Saturday morning, I woke up early, and decided to take the dogs to a local park for a nice long walk.  I did not think about the park squirrels in advance, or I may have rethought my destination.  As we were walking, the squirrels suddenly showed up in plentiful numbers.  I swear my dogs started smiling!  They were so excited to have a squirrel to chase that they forgot they were on a leash.  After a 3 mile walk/squirrel chase, the dogs came home to nap for at least a couple of hours!  It was during the walk that it occurred to me that this was such a simple pleasure -- me walking the dogs -- them chasing a squirrel.  And how much I missed that!  I think when we do get moved back home, I will take even more enjoyment from watching the squirrel and the dogs chase each other.  Sometimes it is the simple things that give us a smile that lasts all day.  It was a nice reminder to pay attention to the small stuff and enjoy! 

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