Finding Summer Camps in Texas

10 Steps for Finding the Right Summer Camp in Texas
It may be the middle of winter, but it’s not too early to begin thinking about which summer camp is best for your kids. There are a lot of camps out there, especially in this part of Texas, and each has different goals and activities. Choosing which one is right for your kids, then, is more than a matter of selecting the one that is closest to Katy.
Here are ten steps to follow to make sure that you find the right summer:
1. Decide what your expectations are. You likely have some expectations for what you expect your kids to get out of their camp experience. Do you want them to learn outdoor skills? Make friends? Have fun? Consider whether you want to send them to a camp with a certain philosophy or world view—there are a lot of Christian camps in Texas, for instance. If you are a past summer camper yourself, think about the aspects of camp that you enjoyed and what you didn’t like. Christian camps

2. Talk with your kids about what they want. While your ideas for your kids are certainly important, your kids’ ideas are equally so. Talk with your kids about what they would like to experience at camp. Their ideas may surprise you.
3. Make a list of potential camps. Once you have a good idea about what you both want, go out and scour the web for a list of camps that may meet your requirements. At this point, don’t rule anything out, just make a list of all the possibilities. Keep in mind as you do that there are a lot of different types of summer camps in Texas, from traditional outdoor camps to that teach your kids about science or art. The one that is perfect for your kids may be something you didn’t expect.

4. Compare the activities that each camp offers. Will there be crafts? Horseback riding? Interpretive dance? What steps does the camp take to ensure that all kids are able to participate in activities? Look at what each camp offers carefully.

5. Research other camp features. Activities are not the only thing that can make or break a camp experience, however. You should also look at each camp’s size, location, ratio of counselors to campers, safety features, average age of campers and counselors, and accommodations. At this point, you can start narrowing down your options to the camps that suit you best.
6. Ask for reviews from past campers. If you know someone whose kids have attended the camp recently, that’s great. Ask a lot of questions, and make sure that they tell you about what they liked and didn’t like about the camp. If you don’t know anyone who personally attended the camp, ask for references directly from the camp itself and read online reviews to get a full picture about what your kids can expect.
7. Take a tour of the camp. If possible, arrange to take a tour of the camp before your child attends. The winter months are great for planning trips like this.
8. Look at prices. Price does, of course, matter, but keep in mind that cost is not always an indication of which camp is best. Consider the price in context of what the camp actually offers—activities, number of days, meals, etc.
9. Make a decision with your kids about which camp is best. With all of these considerations in mind, and in consultation with your kids, decide which camp is right for them.
10. Register for the right camp. Many camps have open registrations all year long. Now that you have decided on the perfect camp, don’t lose your spot by waiting too long to register. Go ahead and sign up through the camp’s website or by calling them directly.
If you follow all these steps, you can feel good knowing that you have carefully weighed all the options and that your decision is a good one for when it comes to summer camps in Texas.

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