When Buyers Disappear ...

I must confess ... sometimes I wonder what I might have done to spoil the relationship with my buyers ...

You know the drill ... You have a prequal letter in hand ... you show them exactly what they want ... they are all excited about the place ... you go over the paperwork ... and then BAM!  LOST IN SPACE ....

Could it be that I wasn't listening to their wants and needs closely enough?  If you have been in the biz long enough you think you know when a buyer is ready and excited about a home ... you go through the steps leading them down the path to true happiness ... Home ownership ... But wait!  What happens when all of a sudden they disappear on you without any explanation ...

Does this sound familiar to you?  OK ... so you lost another potential client ... better luck next time you say ... Buyers are liars right?

I beg to differ ... maybe just maybe I have it all wrong ... maybe these folks just aren't ready yet ... maybe there is something that has happened that has changed their minds ... maybe you have bad breath and nobody has told you ... whatever the reason your clients without telling you are really telling you something afterall ...

Is there some magic device that can tell me if I'm working with a buyer who is serious? 

Let's introduce some reality here ... I like to think of Winston Churchill in these moments, he was famous for saying "Never Give Up!"  Hopefully you have built a good relationship with these folks ... they trust you ... they like you because you listen to them ... and you are a value to them ... while it's true that you need to qualify folks ... sometimes it just takes time to make the impossible ... possible ...

Although your clients are not ready yet to buy ... they are afterall your clients ... give them some time and Never Give Up!


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