To Text or Not to Text ... While Driving In the CAR! ... What Are You NUTS?!

Ok, I have to admit ... Yes I've done it ... however I recognize when texting is appropriate while in the car ... How about when you have pulled into a parking space or pulled into a residential area where you can park in front of a home and text safely ...

These are really the only times I can think of when its safe to text in a car. Just this morning I saw someone at a green light ... head down (texting I'm sure) without a care in the world ... only after someone honked his horn ... did said person wake up to the fact he was in a car sitting in front of a green light ... for who knows how long ...

Needless to say ... this might be considered dangerous driving behavior ... or non-driving behavior depending on how you look at it ... with all of the accidents that have been reported lately due to texting ... it gives one a minute to reflect just how important texting needs to be handled and when its ok and not ok to text ... They say that talking while driving ... even hands free (blue tooth) conversation is likened to driving while intoxicated ... some of my coworkers tell me they simply cannot drive and talk at the same time ...

For me ... I've recognized that driving while talking to a client is strained at best ... in sales we all know 100% attention should be given to our clients and customers ... how can we achieve this when we are too busy avoiding a myriad of driving hazards. Driving can be stressful at times and that stress can transfer to your client/customer without you even knowing it ... WOW that's not good! Anyhow, I've learned to be even more careful on the road ... knowing there are folks out there who probably havent put too much thought into how their driving is being affected by texting at the same time ...

Drive safe ...
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