Holiday Travel Tips

Holiday Travel Tips

Many families decide to travel on the holidays to visit family, friends, or just take a break to get away from it all.  Since many would-be thieves research an area before the actual theft, try to keep the appearance of your regular schedule while you are gone.  Make sure your house still looks occupied and not empty.  Here are some ideas to help you make your home look like someone's there!
- Tell a trusted neighbor you will be away so they are aware of any suspicious activity.
- Put your lights on a timer for your typical "at-home" times.
- Have a neighbor pick up mail, fliers, and newspapers or stop delivery.
- Do yard work before you leave or arrange for lawn maintenance while away.
- Don't leave valuable items in plain sight.
- If temperatures are extremely cold, have your neighbor run your water to prevent pipes from freezing.
- Use call forwarding for any phone calls and use a generic message on your answering machine.
- Do not tell the world you are going on a fantastic vacation on facebook, linked in, or any other social media site. Wait until you get back and share you pictures and good times.
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