Can You Make Your Older Home More Energy-Efficient?

YES, you can!

In 2024, I decided to tackle this challenge in my 1980s-built home. Our two-story house is home to myself, my wife, our two kids, two dogs, and a rabbit. In this blog, I’ll share various options for making your home more energy-efficient. In future posts, I’ll delve into specific actions I took.  

Before You Begin

Collect data on your home’s energy consumption and costs over the last 12 months. Focus specifically on heating and cooling expenses. Both energy usage (in kilowatt-hours or other relevant units) and associated costs will be your baseline. This historical data is crucial for evaluating the impact of any future energy-efficiency projects.   Before embarking on energy-efficient home projects, review any previous upgrades you’ve made. Check your home improvement files or receipts for details on energy-efficient improvements you (or the previous owner) have implemented. This information will help you assess your future endeavors' return on investment (ROI).  

Energy-Efficient Options to Consider

Depending on the age of your home, the upgrades made before your ownership, and your budget, explore the following options:  

  • Seal Gaps and Cracks: Inspect your home for gaps around windows, doors, outlets, fireplace flues, pipe penetrations, exterior doors, attic stairways, and in your attic or basement. Proper insulation and sealing can significantly reduce heating and cooling costs.
  • Upgrade to Energy Star Appliances: When shopping for home items, look for the Energy Star label. Energy-efficient appliances not only save money but also contribute to a greener home.
  • Strategic Landscaping: Plant deciduous trees on the south and west sides of your house. They provide shade in summer and allow sunlight through in winter, helping regulate indoor temperatures.
  • Boost Insulation: Consider adding additional insulation to your attic, especially in older homes. Most insulation settles over the years, reducing its effectiveness. Fresh, eco-friendly insulation can make a significant difference.
  • Windows and Doors Upgrade: Updating your windows and exterior doors enhances energy efficiency. Properly sealed windows and doors play a significant role in heat gain, heat loss, and overall comfort.
  • Programmable Thermostats: Replace old thermostats with smart, programmable ones. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also extend the life of your HVAC system.
  • Upgrade Your HVAC System: Consider installing a new, more efficient HVAC system. It’s an investment that pays off in both comfort and energy savings.

My Energy-Efficient Project Journey

So which energy-efficient options did I consider so far?

First, I started with sealing all gaps and cracks in my home, then I hired a vendor to replace half of our home’s windows (the second half we plan to do next year to spread out the cost), I replaced all our thermostats with smart programmable ones, and my wife and I rented equipment and took a weekend to blow new insulation in our attic.   I promise to go into further detail in future blogs on each energy efficiency project we tackled and give you an update on any reduction/ROI I see as I review new energy usage data. So far, I am impressed with what I am seeing and can’t wait to share it with you over the next several months.  

Remember, even small changes can add up to big savings over time!

Categories: EducationGreen LivingGeneral
Local: Katy - Southeast
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