Even Jim Cramer Endorses the Housing Market - Real Estate in Houston is a Smart Purchase

The housing industry’s most vocal opponent finally saw the incredible opportunities there are in the real estate market. The following paragraph comes from the CNBC interview with him.

Despite the continuous drumbeat of negativity about housing, Cramer remains positive, he told viewers during Thursday’s Stop Trading!  Consider last week’s “totally glossed over” 9-percent increase in mortgage applications, he said. Or the fact that “there is no decline in housing year over year in price.” And the “Mad Money” host refuted the idea that underwater mortgage holders automatically become renters. Speculators looking to flip homes for a profit may have done that, but the people left, the true homeowners, are “dug in,” he said, and will to do whatever they can to make their payments.

“So as much as people want to make this broad sweeping claim that this housing market’s had another leg down,” Cramer said, “it hasn’t.”

So along with historically low interest rates and a wide variety of homes to choose from, we now have Jim Cramer endorsing home ownership. If you need a Houston Realtor to help you find a real estate in Houston, please contact Paul Silverman, Certified Negotiation Expert, to help find a home for you. Please visit our website at www.ourfirstnest.com

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