Webinar: CERP & Recommendations

This webinar will walk through an overview of both the Client Experience Rating and Recommendations Platinum tools to help members learn more and find the tool that might work best for them. When members who are Platinum subscribers choose to participate in CERP, the clients with whom they closed an MLS transaction will be given the opportunity to rate their REALTOR based on Competency, Market Knowledge, Communication and overall Experience. Agents must send a request to all clients and clients may choose to rate their REALTOR on how well they performed in each of the four categories. Agents have the option to publish all or none of the results submitted as well as to provide a response comment on those submitted. Another option for those subscribed to the Platinum services, is the Recommendations tool. Recommendations is ideal for non-MLS transactions and building business prior to having closings as well as showcasing your reputation throughout a well established career. The public and other agents can post Recommendations to any agent’s profile and an agent can ask for recommendations from nearly anyone they wish. Agents can also choose to both hide and/or delete any submitted recommendations.
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Houston Association of Realtors

The Houston Association of Realtors provides educational resources which will assist our REALTOR® members to be successful, knowledgeable, and profitable. Our courses are inexpensive, informative and are provided utilizing state of the art technology and facilitated by expert instructors. We offer a wide variety of courses which range from a basic overview of MLS and technology tools to advanced certification and designation courses.

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Provider Number #2