Webinar: Am I Accidentally in Property Management?

Ever wondered if you stumbled into the role of a property manager by accident? Join our webinar for a fun and insightful exploration of the responsibilities that come with property ownership. Whether you're a first-timer or seasoned owner, we'll cover tenant relations, maintenance hacks, legal essentials, and financial know-how. Let's turn accidental into intentional—register now and unlock the secrets of stress-free property management!
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Offered by

Houston Association of Realtors

The Houston Association of Realtors provides educational resources which will assist our REALTOR® members to be successful, knowledgeable, and profitable. Our courses are inexpensive, informative and are provided utilizing state of the art technology and facilitated by expert instructors. We offer a wide variety of courses which range from a basic overview of MLS and technology tools to advanced certification and designation courses.

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education@har.com www.har.com #2
Email education@har.com
Website www.har.com
Provider Number #2