Commercial Property Management 101 (Apartments Not Included)

BACREN, Bay Area Commercial Real Estate Networking Group, has helped to put together this event.

If you think managing apartments qualifies as managing “commercial” property, then you need this course! Why? When managing apartment properties, the regulatory statues are “residential” and not “commercial.” Plus, this class is great for licensees working with investor clients because it teaches how to “see” a property as more than just bricks and landscaping. The class introduces subjects like systems inspections (elevators, fire safety), understanding various HVAC systems, tenant management, eviction procedures, CAM billing and more.
Provided by Credit Type TREC Hours TREC #
Texas Realtors® CE 4 40611
Provided by Texas Realtors®
Credit Type CE
TREC Hours 4
TREC # 40611
This course is a part of the Texas Risk Reduction Specialist Certification, TRRS
Non-NAR Designation

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Texas Realtors®

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