Shiloh Christian Academy

Direction8800 Cristo Viene Dr, El Paso, TX, 79907

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Maranata Christian Academy's mission is to promote the full development of the whole child in Christ, spiritually, mentally and physically. - Shiloh Christian Academy - 8800 Cristo Viene Dr - El Paso - TX - 79907

School Summary

Private School
Grade Span
8800 Cristo Viene Dr, El Paso, TX, 79907
(915) 592-1909
School boundary map anomalies in street representation can and do occur, please contact the school directly using the number listed above.

Detail Information

School Information

Student Body Co ed
Religious Affiliations Christian
Total Student 29
Total Teacher 4
Teacher Student Ratio 7:1

Student Statistics

Grade 1 3
Grade 3 2
Grade 4 1
Grade 5 6
Grade 6 1
Grade 8 6
Grade 9 3
Grade 10 3
Grade 12 4

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