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In our blog from December 6, we went through the claims made by Michael Barbaro in the December 1, 2023 episode of The New York Times podcast, The Daily. We are revisiting our post because The New York Times has doubled down on theirs.

As more and more people choose to live, work and play in the same place, experts say re-thinking office space may be the next big challenge."Things will never be the same," said Gensler principal architect Dean Strombom, who is helping to transform the Niels Esperson…
Before you buy a home, it’s important to plan ahead. While most buyers consider how much they need to save for a down payment, many are surprised by the closing costs they have to pay. To ensure you aren’t caught off guard when it’s time to close on your home, you…
Inventory of single-family homes reaches pre-pandemic levels

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