7 Ways Your Yard Can Add Value [Includes Expert Advices]

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If you’re thinking about selling your home, now is one of the best times. You can get much more than you paid if you invest in a few improvements before you list it. Your Houston realtor can tell you what would be good to improve based on your specific home but here, we’ll go through some general ideas that can improve your yard and give you the price you deserve for your home.

Start with the front porch

The first thing a buyer will notice when looking at your home is the front porch. Add high-quality seating, decorative touches, and a bit of greenery to make it look as welcoming as possible.

A coat of bright and trendy paint on your front door is another good idea. This will immediately distinguish the front of the house from the rest of the neighborhood. Its also the perfect time for you to spruce up your lawn and gardens.

By adding new plants or moving existing ones from your backyard to the front, you can improve your curb appeal. After the front of your house is completed, take a look at it from the other side of the street and from a distance to see what someone else would see first.

By focusing on areas that need improvement, you wont waste your time on areas that arent even visible.

Clean it up

Stan Mead, CEO of Summit Home Buyers LLC, says “Imagine driving down the street, and suddenly you see it. A beautifully manicured lawn, surrounded by lush flowers, and shaded by magnificent trees. You say to yourself, “That’s the one… my dream home!” We interpret the world with our five senses. A polished yard can have major appeal to our visual cortex, and add major value to a home.”

Your yard is a reflection of the entire house. A yard filled with clutter and overgrown trees will give off the impression that nothing has been maintained. Landscaping is a great idea to show off the entire property.

Even regular maintenance, such as keeping the grass mowed, pulling weeds, and installing eco-friendly landscaping, doesn’t cost much but gives a tidy appearance. When nearby homes also have attractive yards, it can make your entire neighborhood more desirable.

Hiring a local landscaper is a great idea to give it a professional touch. They’ll be able to tell you what are the best plants for your garden and what things are commonly improved. You can usually do minor yard improvements yourself but a professional will have access to heavy equipment and a larger team of people.

If theres a stump that needs to be removed or a large tree that needs to be trimmed you’ll be happy you hired someone else.

Fence it in

Installing a fence is another improvement that people will notice right away. Check your property line before you start building anything to make sure that you aren’t on your neighbors property. This way the fence also acts as a guide for the property line so buyers are able to see how large the yard is without having to ask you.

You also might need a permit from your city, depending on what kind of fence you’re building so check off all your planning boxes before you start. A finished fence will make your yard look move-in ready and every buyer will want that.

What the deck?

If you have a deck in your yard, give it some attention to make it look fresh. You can do this pretty easily by scrubbing with a 50/50 solution of bleach and water and power washing the grime away. After it’s been cleaned, it’s a great time to stain it. Let it dry for a few days and get your staining supplies ready. A quick coat with a roller or a paint pad can give you a clean and even finish. Allow the stain to dry for 24 hours and your deck will look as good as new.  

Add some technology

There are many ways that you can add some technology to your yard. Smart sprinkler systems are a great way to reduce your water bill, keep your yard healthy and give your yard an upgrade. These systems are easy to install and the controls are user-friendly. They allow you to set timers and control the sprinklers from your phone.

Bluetooth speakers are another great addition to your outdoor space. Set up your speakers in your garden or around your patio to take the party outside. There are many different styles and price levels available. Play jazz in an intimate setting near the fire pit after a long day, or spread them out around your yard to let the grass become a dance floor. In either case, adding any tech upgrades to your space will make it look futuristic and modern.

Light it up

If were talking about technology, why not consider upgrading your lawns lighting, too? It might seem redundant to use lights outside, but for anyone who enjoys sitting in the yard during the evening, this is a wise choice.

You can use string lights to give your yard some character and to brighten up dark areas. For outdoor lights, I recommend that you use an outlet that has a timer or a smart outlet that can be controlled via WiFi. Its nice to be able to turn your lights off and on with the touch of a screen.

Solar lights are the best idea for your garden, especially if youre going for an environmentally conscious theme. You just have to place them in direct sunlight during the day and your flowers will glow at night without draining your budget.

Update your garden

If you have the same plants that you have maintained for years, then its time to remodel your garden. You can find so many unique and functional ideas on the internet to make your garden look fresh. A vertical garden is a great way to add some greenery without taking up valuable yard space. These can be hung on fences or the sides of your house to give the space a plush look. A fence or decorative stone can define your garden and give it a crisp look.

Another option is to plant some taller trees. A study by the Wall Street Journal found that trees can boost a homes sale price by 10%-15%. They’re viewed as an environmental upgrade that makes the yard look more inviting. Its important to keep your trees trimmed and maintained if you have any in your yard already.

To create a uniform look for your garden, add some mulch to the flowerbeds in the front and back yards. It will help improve the soil for the plants already there while also adding a sense of harmony to the area.

UpNests CEO, Simon Ru, who has over 8 years of experience in the real estate industry said - “Its no secret that curb appeal can help sell your home and increase home value. But theres a limit to how far you should go. A well-maintained lawn is your first step. Keep a healthy lawn, water it regularly, and keep it well-mowed. If you dont already have some trees, adding some trees is a great step. Mature trees are better, so if youve got time, you can plant seedlings”. He concluded saying “All in all, keep it simple, tidy, and traditional, and you can increase your homes value. If its messy, overblown, or too complicated, you may lose money on the outdoors.

Water, water, everywhere

Adding a pool is a big project and experts disagree about how much it will add to the value of your home. Additionally, some buyers are wary of the maintenance involved with owning a swimming pool. There are a few other ways to incorporate water into your yard that everyone will enjoy.

Consider building a low maintenance swimming pond instead of an inground pool. These are becoming more popular due to the natural filtration they use instead of chemicals and the fact that they can be customized to fit nearly every area of your yard. Ponds cost less per square foot than traditional concrete pools, and they look fantastic.

Perhaps you can use a backyard corner to add a small fish pond if your yard does not permit you to build a large swimming pond. With a few simple supplies, this can easily be accomplished in a weekend. A fish pond or a simple water feature can add so much character to a yard that lacks a focal point.

If you definitely want a home with a pool consider buying a resale home that already has a pool to save you up to 100,000 of pool building costs. Also, you dont have to wait months for the pool to be built!

What Industry Experts Say?

Marina Vaamonda, a Commercial Real Estate Investor and the Founder of PropertyCashin stated “A property’s curb appeal refers to people’s perceived value, regardless of the property’s appraised value. In this scenario, you can sell your property at a much higher price if buyers think your property is worth more than its appraised value.


When homebuyers see a well-maintained yard, it convinces them that the owners put money regularly to maintain the property’s condition. Subsequently, it increases the buyer’s confidence in buying the property further. After all, no one wants to buy a worn-out and unmaintained property.

Rodney Swan from TraditionalGardening.com says “I always tell new homeowners to plant leafy trees. This tends to be the area where you will get the best return for your money. Trees add a lot of street appeal and in some cases, people will pay a premium for the privacy they offer. Trees take a long time to grow out so people will pay significantly more for a property with well-established trees.

 While the easiest thing you can do when putting your house on the market is to keep the edges of your lawn edged and trimmed. When buying a house, typically people are looking for a lawn that is both tidy and easy to maintain. Trimmed & defined edges give that perception and can also add a lot of street appeal.

Trey Van Tuyl who is a licensed realtor based in Miami said “In my experience, spending a lot of money on landscaping wont directly affect the value of the home. That said, an unkempt yard will suggest to potential buyers that the home isnt in the best shape. A property will definitely generate more immediate interest if theres curb appeal. Rather than investing in a landscaping overhaul, I always recommend simple fixes such as potted plants, removing weeds and laying down bark mulch, etc.

Ibrahim Mawri, Real Estate Investor and CoFounder of REIOutpost said “Yard work is a costly and time-consuming project. But it’s not just a chore, it can also dramatically increase the value of the home. How much does the yard work up the property value? Its hard to say for sure as each location is different but in general, people will pay 10% more for homes with well-maintained yards than those without. This is an important consideration if you are planning on selling soon.

However, even if you dont have plans to move anytime soon, there are still plenty of reasons why keeping the lawn manicured might be worth it: The increased curb appeal alone could boost resale values by as much as 7%.

A nicely landscaped yard can make a home worth 25,000 more than one without any landscaping or curb appeal. Trees add shade, privacy, and give your yard character. Plus they help keep bugs away which is very important in Texas!. Planting flowers is another great way to brighten up your front porch or walkway while adding color and fragrance at the same time.”

Raechelle from Our Beautiful Planet  stated, “Typically, flat ground is more desirable than sloped ground. A landscaped yard is more desirable than one that is overgrown. One way home owners can increase their home value is to make their yard space usable in a practical way. They can add stone patios for entertaining, fenced in areas for pets, and landscaped gardens for aesthetics. Buyers looking for their dream home care more about practical use than raw data.

David Shell founder of Tradesman Costs focused on yard privacy “With shrubs, hedges, and trees, your yard can provide privacy to your home. It can be captivating to people looking for an aesthetically pleasing yet private house. Plus, a cohesively designed yard with plenty of greenery provides comfort and joy.

Lawn and Garden expert Ryan Smith said, “Good landscaping is a sure way to greatly boost your home’s value. If you’ve got a dry, mossy, weedy, or brown-colored yard, it’s high time you contact a professional to re-seed, de-weed, and landscape it.”

Dan Bailey, President, WikiLawn Austin Lawn Care stated “You might think your lawn only provides value to your home while youre there. It keeps it looking nice and complies with any HOA laws. But a well-manicured lawn can actually increase not only the value of your home but the likelihood of it selling.

Curb appeal is more than just the aesthetics of the home itself. In fact, what most people look at is the facade, the porch (if applicable), and the front yard when making that split-second decision on whether or not they find the home appealing. A trimmed and edged lawn with some professional landscaping can really sell your home as a cozy cottage where someone might like to raise a family.

Martin Boonzaayer, CEO of The Trusted Home Buyer, emphasized on nature. He said “Yards can make or break a home since it is most likely the frame to your home. When people visit you, your yard is what welcomes them in the entrance and becomes their lounge area when doing outdoor activities. To beautify it, nature is always the answer! Trees are a long-term investment and appreciate over time. Since younger trees are generally more appreciated amongst buyers, make sure that the trees will be somewhere between 3 – 8 years old when you are selling. The key elements of smart tree placement are privacy and shade. Take care of these 2 things and buyers will quickly appreciate your efforts. Depending on the size of your yard, around three to five trees should do the trick. If you are going to plant them freshly, make sure to take into account their growth when placing them around your home.”

Chris Campbell from The Charming Bench Company “One thing that many home-buyers are on the lookout for is a properly manicured lawn. An untidy yard with overgrown trees and shrubs is an instant turn-off for anyone whos looking to buy a house. The same goes for fencing and other landscaping features. Theyre great to have and they can increase the value of your house, but only if theyre in good repair. If you have benches, pergolas, or fountains that are shabby and old its going to hurt you more than help you.

Another important consideration is lighting.. Adding a few light fixtures to your garden like solar lamps or torches can greatly increase the desirability of your home for potential buyers.”

Tyler Forte, the Founder & CEO of Felix Homes said “When it comes to curb appeal, a well-maintained and landscaped yard is essential. According to the 2018 Modeling Impact Report: Outdoor Features from the National Association of Realtors, 99% of NAR members believe that curb appeal is vital to attract home buyers. And when homeowners invest in professional landscape services to design and maintain their yard, their homes value can increase by nearly 15%, which can be a significant amount of money in todays white-hot real estate market.

But, the key is planning. Just plunking plants here and there isnt going to cut it. Homeowners should consider a professionally designed layout that includes an all-season deck with an outdoor kitchen, pathways, lighting, and a fire pit area amidst thoughtfully pre-planned landscaping. These are all top yard features that can optimize a homes value.

And if you have a modest outdoor budget, replacing stunted plants, trimming the shrubs, adding fresh mulch, and keeping your lawn trim and fit may still add as much as 7% to your homes value.”

Security expert Kristen focused on technology. She said “Adding motion sensor lights to your front yard is a simple way to secure your front yard, and will also add value to your property. These lights are triggered to turn on whenever there is movement within a certain area, and can definitely deter possible burglars or criminals. Having this first line of defense at the front of your home is a must. Some motion sensor lighting can even come equipped with cameras that can be connected to your homes overall home security system!”

Bryan Stoddard from Homewares Insider said, “Use wooden frames to order your garden. Determine the place where the wooden frames will be located in which you will plant part of the plants. It’s a good choice especially if you have a small yard and want to keep order. Plants will not grow each in their own way as is often the case when you plant them in soil. Large decorative jars elevate any interior, but also the exterior. You can match the color with the furniture or make a step back and opt for complete variation. For potential buyers, a neat and tidy yard will evoke a sense of togetherness and remind them of pleasant family moments.”

Martin Orefice, the Founder of Rent To Own Labs advised to add exterior lighting to your yard. He stated “This helps you enhance security and safety of the yard while increasing the value of your space. Select lighting that complements your home and illuminates key areas like garage, porch, garden pathways, etc. Lighting adds value to your home because it makes your yard usable even at night and this attracts more buyers. Plus, it is budget-friendly and easy to do.”

In a nutshell we can say - make your yard an extension of your home if you want to appeal to the most people. If you want a buyer to fall in love with the outside, make it look and feel just as cozy as the inside. You don’t want it to look too personalized to your taste but you don’t want it to look too predictable. Keep it simple but unique and you’ll be adding value to your home before the buyer even steps inside.

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