Cornerstone Academy

Direction5415 Matlock Rd, Arlington, TX, 76018

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Cornerstone Academy is fully committed to a superior academicexperience integrated with a consistent, Christian approach tolearning. We also proclaim that the Bible is the inspired, inerrantWord of God and that all subjects will be presented from a Biblicalperspective, with the Scripture as the measuring rod of all tru ...Read more ↓

School Summary

Private School
Grade Span
5415 Matlock Rd, Arlington, TX, 76018
(817) 375-2235
School boundary map anomalies in street representation can and do occur, please contact the school directly using the number listed above.

Detail Information

School Information

Year Founded 2007
Student Body Co ed
Religious Affiliations Baptist
Total Student 28
Total Teacher 4
Teacher Student Ratio 7:1

Student Statistics

Pre-K 10
Kindergarten 9
Grade 1 4

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