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Deadline to submit the application has passed -
Monday, June 10, 2024 @ 5:00 PM

2025 HAR Board of Directors Candidacy Notification Form

While serving on the HAR Board of Directors is a rewarding experience, there are also expectations that come with being a Director such as:

  • 1 Attendance at HAR board meetings (must attend at least 3).
  • 2 Attendance at the annual Strategic Leadership Conference, which will be held September 18 - 20 in Galveston.
  • 3 Consider investing in TREPAC if not already an investor
  • 4 Serve as an ambassador of the Association to promote HAR's products, tools and services and provide information to your firm and the real estate community at large
  • 5 Participation in HAR activities such as HAR Engage, HAR Area Networking meetings and service on Advisory Groups

Serving on the 2025 HAR Board of Directors

2025 HAR Board of Directors Election - Candidate Guidelines

  • 1 All candidate questionnaire fields are required and must be completed before a candidate is added to the ballot.
  • 2 Candidates should have leadership experiences such as serving on NAR, TR Committees, HAR Advisory, area networking, PAAL’s groups, institutes, counsels, societies, or community and civic groups.
  • 3 Candidates may not send a group or a ‘slate’ of endorsements without written permission of each candidate endorsed. Failure to do so may lead to being removed from the ballot.
  • 4 Emailed or texted candidate endorsements must be sent from a clearly identifiable member’s email address or text. Any reference to “HAR” in any form may not be included in the sender’s email address. Failure to comply may be subject to removal from the ballot.
  • 5 All candidates agree to watch a pre-produced board of directors orientation prior to application submission.
  • 6 Additional guidelines related to use of “campaign materials”:
    a. Campaign materials shall not state or imply that HAR supports or endorses a candidate’s election in any manner.
    b. Campaign materials shall not use or contain the HAR trademark or logo in any manner.
    c. There must be Identification on all campaign materials of the person or entity responsible for their publication.
    d. There shall be no automated texting of campaign materials to any member unless the candidate has the member’s written consent to receive such a text and in compliance with applicable federal law such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.
    Note: “campaign materials” means any information about a candidate or the election publicly displayed or disseminated in any manner to another person or entity.
    Note: Board members are not permitted to receive compensation as a paid HAR instructor.

Deadline to submit the application has passed - Monday, June 10, 2024 @ 5:00 PM