Let's Talk Mortgages

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So you are looking to buy a house, and like a wise home buyer you are looking to get pre-approved before beginning your search! Good job. But now you are wondering what do I need to ask my lender. I'm here to help.

The very first step of the home buying process is to get a pre-approval letter from a lender
stating how much you are qualified for. It's important to ask your potential lenders some
questions to make sure they are a good fit for you.
Don’t understand something your lender says? Stop and ask for clarification. This is your home
buying journey, and you deserve to understand the process every step of the way. A preapproval is only valid for 30-90 days, so while you can start talking to lenders, you’ll want to wait on getting that pre-approval letter when you’re ready to buy.

Would you like a list of questions to ask potential lenders. I'd be glad to send it your way.

Just click on the link below to sign up for your free guide. 


Your HOMEgirl, 

Christiana McCarley

Local: Pearland
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