First post

Houston is a great place to live– affordable, diverse, and winter-friendly– but it can be hard to find the perfect place for you and your family to call “HOME.” I hope I can be the person to help you find the perfect place to spend the next chapter of your life.

As many of you know, I’ve spend my entire professional life in jobs working with empowering people and communities. I see this new endeavor as an extension of that– a way to support people in through a big transition and helping them make the right choices for themselves, WITHOUT pressure and with full honesty and support.

Please keep me and this endeavor in your prayers, as I seek to honor God in personal and business life.

I’d love it if you’d “like” my Facebook page to stay updated on Houston real estate related issues, as well as basic home buying and home maintenance information. You also click “follow” below to have new posts emailed to you as they are published.

Thanks and I hope to hear from many of you,



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