2015...Ready or not...Here it comes!

It is coming. 2015!! We have 9 days to finish 2014. As most people are winding down and relaxing these next weeks....dare to be different! In the past two weeks, I have found myself asking this question, "What do I need to do to make my business the BEST?!!??" How do I impact my clients in a way that the real estate transaction is such a great experience? I keep coming back to the same answer, over and over again...the same answer hits me! The impact to the client begins prior to every meeting them. It is in the PREPARATION! Instead of telling you about the real estate industry and how the oil prices will or will not affect the home industry, I want to motivate you to action! Do not take a break over the next two weeks! PREPARE!! PREPARE!! PREPARE!! Sit down with a pad and pencil, with your spouse(if you have one) and map out 2015... Preparing for 2015 will make the year the best ever! HERE ARE SOME QUESTIONS YOU CAN ASK YOURSELF! What are your family goals? Financially and spiritually!! What will you do to increase the value of your home this year? Will you be moving this year? Or maybe you want to invest in real estate? What debt will you eliminate this year? How will you reward your family and yourself when you meet one of the goals? When you meet all the goals, what is the reward? What trips do you want to take? Or maybe you want to eliminate vacations and focus on spending quality time exploring what your city has to offer! Who will you give to this year? What charity or non-profit will you sponsor this year? As a business we have decided to partner with a Veteran Organization and provide donations to that organization. They build houses for injured veterans! PREPARING FOR 2015 IS THE WAY TO MAKE THIS YEAR THE BEST POSSIBLE. AS WE PREPARE OUR BUSINESS FOR THE CLIENTS WE DO NOT HAVE, WE PREPARE FOR 2015....ITS COMING...READY OR NOT!!!!
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