Houston Traffic... Grrrr

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Dear Houston Traffic,

How do I compare thee?
Wouldn't it be simple to 
let us drive free?
Free of the aggravation 
and toils of sitting
and waiting in a car.

Sometimes I think 
I've figured you out. 
Taking the back roads
the detours and 
weird routes.

Only to find 
that others are there too!
Taking the ways 
that are far away from you.

I sometimes take risks.
Figure, I can find a freeway
Without the traffic and mayhem.
Thinking I know all the days
and times to steer away from.

And then one clear Sunday
While driving on 290
I'm suddenly stopped still
with other cars.
Not at all timely!

Forced to exit, who knew?!
Working on a bridge...
an overpass
While the rest of us
sit and stew.

610, you're another
that gets me flustered
and feeling bothered.
You're worse than 290
with rush hour traffic
all day and all night-y.

There's just no end 
with any of you.
Wish you'd show
some mercy...
some compassion,
I think we're all due.


Gail Medina
(Houstonian by Birth. Survivor of Houston traffic by Right...20 years and counting!)

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