Fight off The Pollen This Spring!

Tired of that stuffy feeling that Spring brings along? Steer clear of the pollen so that your allergies don't wreck this beautiful season! There are many ways to let pollen into your home but are you taking the right precautions to prevent the mess from entering your home? Try these ten ways to fight off the pollen at your home. 

1. Keep the car in the garage.
2. Wipe your feet on an outside mat and remove all outerwear as soon as you enter the house.
3. Decontaminate.
4. Wash the green out of your hair.
5. Prevent your pets from bringing in the pollen.
6. Empty the vacuum outside. 
7. Keep the windows and doors closed.
8. Be vigilant about dusting.
9. Keep porches clean or put off using them until the season is over. 
10. Don't let the pollen get you down. 

Keep your home allergy free this Spring! This is a beautiful season in which you should enjoy. There is no need to hide from this mess anymore. Taking these steps to keep your house clean will benefit you tremendously. You can read the full article here:
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